Contributing $ 220
Thank you for being part of the change!
We would like to give you a huge hug, but we can only be grateful But hey, we can send you a big hug through a WhatsApp audio , what do you think?
> 05 Co-financiers
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There is someone behind
We would like to give you a huge hug, but we can only be grateful But hey, we can send you a big hug through a WhatsApp audio , what do you think?
We would like to give you a big hug , but we can only thank you. But hey, we can send you a big hug through WhatsApp audio, what do you think? We will also tell you about our adventure in Bangladesh , anecdotes and the progress of the project.
Your name in the credits of the official documentary . During the campaign, we will present the documentary at different events. Moreover, we want the social garment factory construction process to also be part of the documentary. We want to continue with the story that is related throughout the documentary and to show it as a possible solution. The virtual hug that is not missing and if it is physical, better, what better way to say thank you! In addition, we keep on telling you about our adventure in Bangladesh , anecdotes and the progress of the project.
Te enviaremos al lugar que nos indiques (solo Península y Baleares) una bolsa de tela hecha a partir de materiales reciclados del 4 colores disponibles de comercio justo hecha con algodón orgánico y en condiciones dignas, contiene dos historia reales de dos de las millones de víctimas que se encuentran en la industria de la moda; Todo empieza el 23 de abril de 2013, cuando una grieta... hasta aquí. Colores: Azul, Natural, Gris, Negro, Rosa
We will send to you to the place you indicate (only Peninsula and the Balearic Islands) a bag made from recycled materials of three available colours of fair trade made with organic cotton and in decent conditions with a true history of one of the million victims found in the fashion industry; It all starts on April 23, 2013, when a crack ... until here.
** Follow up
We will send to you to the place you indicate (only Peninsula and the Balearic Islands) a cloth bag made from recycled materials of the 4 available fair trade colours made with organic cotton and in decent conditions, it contains * two true stories of two of the million victims found in the fashion industry; It all starts on April 23, 2013, when a crack ... * until here.
**+ Follow up
A bag and cloth bag made from recycled materials of fair trade made with organic cotton and in decent conditions, they contain four true stories of four of the millions of victims found in the industry of Fashion;
** + Follow up
A fair trade activist camper made with organic cotton and in decent conditions. It will contain four true stories of four of the millions of victims in the fashion industry next to the bag and the bag made from recycled materials
**+ Follow up
Our goal is to develop an awareness campaign that will include events to present the documentary and raise public awareness of the environmental and social problems that this industry has in countries such as China, India and Bangladesh. Companies or sponsors who pay 500 euros will sponsor an event where the documentary will be presented along with other presentations from the same field.
This is a reward aimed at a brand that wants to bet on more responsible production and improve its corporate social responsibility by being part of the opening of a social garment factory in Bangladesh. It can be part of a project within the corporate social responsibility of a company that is aligned with the brand values.
Thank you for being part of the change!
We would like to give you a huge hug, but we can only be grateful But hey, we can send you a big hug through a WhatsApp audio , what do you think?
> 05 Co-financiers
Follow-up + Gratefulness
We would like to give you a big hug , but we can only thank you. But hey, we can send you a big hug through WhatsApp audio, what do you think? We will also tell you about our adventure in Bangladesh , anecdotes and the progress of the project.
> 02 Co-financiers
Credits of the official documentary + Follow-up + Gratitude
Your name in the credits of the official documentary . During the campaign, we will present the documentary at different events. Moreover, we want the social garment factory construction process to also be part of the documentary. We want to continue with the story that is related throughout the documentary and to show it as a possible solution. The virtual hug that is not missing and if it is physical, better, what better way to say thank you! In addition, we keep on telling you about our adventure in Bangladesh , anecdotes and the progress of the project.
> 09 Co-financiers
SOLO HOY!! +Bolsa con historias
Te enviaremos al lugar que nos indiques (solo Península y Baleares) una bolsa de tela hecha a partir de materiales reciclados del 4 colores disponibles de comercio justo hecha con algodón orgánico y en condiciones dignas, contiene dos historia reales de dos de las millones de víctimas que se encuentran en la industria de la moda; Todo empieza el 23 de abril de 2013, cuando una grieta... hasta aquí. Colores: Azul, Natural, Gris, Negro, Rosa
> 38 Co-financiers
+ small bag with history
We will send to you to the place you indicate (only Peninsula and the Balearic Islands) a bag made from recycled materials of three available colours of fair trade made with organic cotton and in decent conditions with a true history of one of the million victims found in the fashion industry; It all starts on April 23, 2013, when a crack ... until here.
** Follow up
> 15 Co-financiers
+ bag with history
We will send to you to the place you indicate (only Peninsula and the Balearic Islands) a cloth bag made from recycled materials of the 4 available fair trade colours made with organic cotton and in decent conditions, it contains * two true stories of two of the million victims found in the fashion industry; It all starts on April 23, 2013, when a crack ... * until here.
**+ Follow up
> 15 Co-financiers
+ Small bag and Bag with history
A bag and cloth bag made from recycled materials of fair trade made with organic cotton and in decent conditions, they contain four true stories of four of the millions of victims found in the industry of Fashion;
** + Follow up
> 04 Co-financiers
+ T-shirt + Small bag + Bag
A fair trade activist camper made with organic cotton and in decent conditions. It will contain four true stories of four of the millions of victims in the fashion industry next to the bag and the bag made from recycled materials
**+ Follow up
> 14 Co-financiers
Sponsor in an event in the presentation of the documentary film
Our goal is to develop an awareness campaign that will include events to present the documentary and raise public awareness of the environmental and social problems that this industry has in countries such as China, India and Bangladesh. Companies or sponsors who pay 500 euros will sponsor an event where the documentary will be presented along with other presentations from the same field.
> 00 Co-financiers
Collaborator and key partner of the social garment factory.
This is a reward aimed at a brand that wants to bet on more responsible production and improve its corporate social responsibility by being part of the opening of a social garment factory in Bangladesh. It can be part of a project within the corporate social responsibility of a company that is aligned with the brand values.
> 00 Co-financiers
If you have something that you are not going to use (A sewing machine, sewing tools, Over machines ... every donation is welcome.