Contributing $ 1,102
Project film
A3-sized poster of the project by Celia Moro
> 04 Co-financiers
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A3-sized poster of the project by Celia Moro
SURF&NATURE T-shirt of the Rock da Kasbah brand with the project's screen-printed logo. Logo designed by the children themselves
SURF&;NATURE T-shirt by Rock da Kasbah with the project's screen-printed logo. Logo designed by the children themselves
A3-sized print of the project by Celia Moro
SURF&NATURE T-shirt and bag by Rock da Kasbah with the project's screen-printed logo. Logo designed by the children themselves
A3 size print of the project made by the artist Celia Moro
SURF&NATURE T-shirt and bag by Rock da Kasbah with the project's screen-printed logo. Logo designed by the children themselves
A3 size print of the project made by the artist Celia Moro
Naming in all documents, posters and communications as co-financier of the project.
Project film
A3-sized poster of the project by Celia Moro
> 04 Co-financiers
SURF&NATURE T-shirt of the Rock da Kasbah brand with the project's screen-printed logo. Logo designed by the children themselves
> 01 Co-financiers
T-shirt + project poster
SURF&;NATURE T-shirt by Rock da Kasbah with the project's screen-printed logo. Logo designed by the children themselves
A3-sized print of the project by Celia Moro
> 00 Co-financiers
T-shirt + print + project bag
SURF&NATURE T-shirt and bag by Rock da Kasbah with the project's screen-printed logo. Logo designed by the children themselves
A3 size print of the project made by the artist Celia Moro
> 00 Co-financiers
T-shirt + poster + project bag + nomination as co-financier of the project
SURF&NATURE T-shirt and bag by Rock da Kasbah with the project's screen-printed logo. Logo designed by the children themselves
A3 size print of the project made by the artist Celia Moro
Naming in all documents, posters and communications as co-financier of the project.
> 00 Co-financiers
Estamos muy felices de anunciaros que varias organizaciones locales e internacionales se suman en el apoyo y la organización del proyecto SURF&NATURE