¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 30 / 12 / 2022
$ 521,183
$ 330,546
$ 771,274
212 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 220


    A huge THANK YOU. Your name will appear in the final credits.

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 441


    + Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest .

    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union)

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 661


    + Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.

    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union)

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,102


    +Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023)

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Spain)

    > 56 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,102


    + SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Spain)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,322


    +Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023)

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,322


    + SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,543


    + A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credit

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,204



    + You can choose between the SINTRÓPICA T-shirt or the A3 risograph print, both designed by the artist Pedro Perles.

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credit

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,305


    **+ Silky F-180 folding saw.

    • A10% discount on an agriculture course given by Jaime Otero Páramo.
    • Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023).
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to the European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,509


    **+ Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023).

    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Europen Union)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11,018


    + Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023) .

    • 2 T-shirts SINTRÓPICA designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22,036



    + Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as official sponsor + Exclusive online discussion with the protagonists and creators of the documentary for a maximum of 40 people .

    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 55,091


    *OFFICIAL SPONSOR (Special for companies and organizations)

    + Organization of a course given by Jaime Otero Páramo, during 2 days for 15 people in any corner of the Iberian geography.

    • Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as official sponsor.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to an online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 110,182


    *COPRODUCER (Special for companies and organizations)

    + Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as co-producer + exclusive online discussion with the protagonists and creators of the documentary for a maximum of 40 people.

    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to an online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 00 Co-financiers

¡Sintrópica ya está aquí!

26 | 05 | 2024
¡Sintrópica ya está aquí!



Querida Comunidad Sintrópica,

¡La espera ha llegando a su fin y la cosecha está lista para ser compartida! Con muchísima emoción anunciamos que el documental Sintrópica... ¡está terminado! Después de meses de cuidado y dedicación, vuestro apoyo y nuestro trabajo han dando sus frutos. Todo el equipo tiene muchas ganas de compartir el documental con todas las personas que nos habéis apoyado hasta ahora.

Con esta excelente noticia empezamos una nueva etapa. Dejamos atrás la plataforma de Goteo y a partir de ahora nos comunicaremos contigo a través de la newsletter de Sintrópica , que llegará directamente a tu correo (y de la que te puedes desvincular cuando quieras).
Te invitamos además a que visites la web de Sintrópica, donde podrás ver el cartel, el tráiler y material adicional para profundizar en los rincones de nuestro documental.

No pierdas de vista tu bandeja de entrada y asegúrate de tenernos agendados para que nuestros emails no se pierdan en la carpeta de spam o de promociones, ¡la semana que viene recibirás un correo con las instrucciones para acceder al estreno online!

Nos vemos en los bosques,

El equipo de Sintrópica.


Dear Sintrópica Community,

The wait has come to an end, and the harvest is ready to be shared! We are thrilled to announce that the Sintrópica documentary is finished! After months of care and dedication, your support and our work are bearing fruit. The entire team is eager to share the documentary with all those who have supported us so far.

With this excellent news, we are starting a new phase. We are moving away from the Goteo platform, and from now on, we will communicate with you through the Sintrópica newsletter, which will arrive directly in your inbox (and you can unsubscribe at any time).
We also invite you to visit the Sintrópica website, where you can see the poster, the trailer, and additional material to delve deeper into the corners of our documentary.

Keep an eye on your inbox and make sure to mark us as a contact so that our emails don't get lost in the spam or promotions folder. Next week, you will receive an email with instructions to access the online premiere!

See you in the forests,

The Sintrópica Team.


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