¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 30 / 12 / 2022
$ 25,614
$ 16,245
$ 37,905
212 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11


    A huge THANK YOU. Your name will appear in the final credits.

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22


    + Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest .

    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union)

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32


    + Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.

    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union)

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54


    +Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023)

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Spain)

    > 56 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54


    + SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Spain)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65


    +Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023)

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65


    + SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 76


    + A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credit

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108



    + You can choose between the SINTRÓPICA T-shirt or the A3 risograph print, both designed by the artist Pedro Perles.

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credit

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162


    **+ Silky F-180 folding saw.

    • A10% discount on an agriculture course given by Jaime Otero Páramo.
    • Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023).
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to the European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 271


    **+ Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023).

    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Europen Union)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 542


    + Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023) .

    • 2 T-shirts SINTRÓPICA designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,083



    + Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as official sponsor + Exclusive online discussion with the protagonists and creators of the documentary for a maximum of 40 people .

    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,708


    *OFFICIAL SPONSOR (Special for companies and organizations)

    + Organization of a course given by Jaime Otero Páramo, during 2 days for 15 people in any corner of the Iberian geography.

    • Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as official sponsor.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to an online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,415


    *COPRODUCER (Special for companies and organizations)

    + Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as co-producer + exclusive online discussion with the protagonists and creators of the documentary for a maximum of 40 people.

    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to an online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 00 Co-financiers

Resumen de la Segunda Etapa / Second Stage Recap

10 | 11 | 2022

ESPAÑOL (English below)

Comenzamos la segunda etapa de la caravana con un curso en la Escuela Familiar Agraria La Malvesía, en Llombai, Valencia, el fin de semana del 28 al 30 de octubre.

El curso nos dio la oportunidad de conocer a personas concienciadas con el cuidado de la biodiversidad y la protección de los ecosistemas en un lugar con un clima tan diferente del de Galicia como es Valencia, lo cual ha sido un punto muy interesante en nuestro viaje. Es fantástico poder escuchar los conocimientos y experiencias de cada participante, además de sus estrategias personales para hacer un mejor uso del agua y mantener la salud del suelo.

Seguimos nuestro viaje en Sella, en Alicante, donde el curso trató sobre sistemas agroforestales productivos de secano con viña, olivo, almendro y algarrobo, con la mirada puesta en contribuir a regenerar la biodiversidad en la montaña de Alicante. Tenemos que agradecer especialmente el recibimiento que nos dio Anscari. Ha sido un placer compartir nuestro tiempo, horas de rodaje y conversación con todas las personas que conocimos en Sella.

Los primeros días de noviembre nos encontraron adentrándonos en el sur. Tras cruzar Almería con su famoso mar de plásticos, que nos dejó el corazón encogido, llegamos al Cortijo Risica, en Málaga, un oasis de frescor y vegetación. Allí, Carlos nos recibió con los brazos abiertos y un sinfín de mangos. No nos quedan palabras para expresar la alegría y la gratitud que experimentamos en sus jardines, además del alivio que sentimos al comprobar en persona que otro modelo de agricultura, alejado de los monocultivos que saquean y agotan el suelo, es posible.

Ya llevamos más de un mes de viaje y el cansancio se hace patente en todo el equipo. Sin embargo, cada curso es una inyección de motivación. Compartir experiencias y proyectos con cada persona que se acerca con curiosidad a saber más sobre los métodos sintrópicos para regenerar el suelo nos infunde energía y ganas de continuar aprendiendo.

Con el final de esta segunda etapa ha llegado también la despedida de nuestro compañero Sérgio, que ya está de vuelta en Brasil, y a quien vamos a echar mucho de menos en los cursos que siguen. Nos tendremos que consolar escuchando la entrevista que el Ninja Verde hizo a Miguel y a Jaime y en su podcast La Aldea del Ninja Verde: https://www.podcastidae.com/podcast/la-aldea-del-ninja-verde/

La tercera etapa comienza este fin de semana en Ourém, en Portugal, ¿te animas a venir y sembrar unos cuantos árboles?


We began the second stage of the caravan with a course at Escuela Familiar Agraria La Malvesía, in Llombai, Valencia, that took place from 28th until 30th October. The course gave us the opportunity to meet people who are very aware of the climate crisis and the crucial need of protecting our ecosystems in a place with a very dry climate, which has been a very interesting point in our trip. It's great to have the chance to listen to different insights and experiences, as well as diverse individual strategies for making better use of water and prioritizing the health of the soil.

We continued our journey in Sella, in Alicante, where the course focused on productive rainfed agroforestry systems with vineyards, olive trees, almond trees and carob trees, with an eye toward contributing to regenerate the biodiversity in the mountains of Alicante. We especially appreciate the welcome Anscari gave us. It has been a pleasure to share our time, hours of filming and conversations with all the people we met at Sella.

The first days of November found us heading south. After crossing Almería with its famous sea of plastic, which left us with a heavy heart, we arrived at Cortijo Risica, in Málaga, an oasis of freshness and vegetation. There, Carlos welcomed us with open arms and endless mangoes. It is difficult to express with words the joy and gratitude that we experienced in his gardens, as well as the relief we felt when we saw that another model of agriculture, away from monocultures that plunder and deplete the soil, is possible.

We have now been traveling for more than a month and the fatigue is starting to be evident with the team. However, each new encounter is an injection of motivation. Sharing experiences and projects with people who are open and curious to know more about syntropic methods to regenerate the soil, infuses us with energy and desire to continue learning and spreading this important message.

The end of this second stage also brought the farewell of our dear Sérgio, who is now back home in Brazil. We are going to miss his laughter and good mood, for sure! We will have to find comfort listening to the interview that Ninja Verde did with Miguel and Jaime in a new episode of his podcast La Aldea del Ninja Verde: https://www.podcastidae.com/podcast/la-aldea-del-ninja-verde/

The third stage begins this weekend in Ourém, in Portugal. Are you tempted to show up and sow a few trees with us?


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