¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 30 / 12 / 2022
$ 25,614
$ 16,245
$ 37,905
212 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11


    A huge THANK YOU. Your name will appear in the final credits.

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22


    + Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest .

    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union)

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32


    + Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.

    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union)

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54


    +Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023)

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Spain)

    > 56 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54


    + SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Spain)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65


    +Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023)

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65


    + SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 76


    + A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credit

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108



    + You can choose between the SINTRÓPICA T-shirt or the A3 risograph print, both designed by the artist Pedro Perles.

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credit

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162


    **+ Silky F-180 folding saw.

    • A10% discount on an agriculture course given by Jaime Otero Páramo.
    • Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023).
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to the European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 271


    **+ Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023).

    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Europen Union)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 542


    + Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023) .

    • 2 T-shirts SINTRÓPICA designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,083



    + Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as official sponsor + Exclusive online discussion with the protagonists and creators of the documentary for a maximum of 40 people .

    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,708


    *OFFICIAL SPONSOR (Special for companies and organizations)

    + Organization of a course given by Jaime Otero Páramo, during 2 days for 15 people in any corner of the Iberian geography.

    • Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as official sponsor.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to an online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,415


    *COPRODUCER (Special for companies and organizations)

    + Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as co-producer + exclusive online discussion with the protagonists and creators of the documentary for a maximum of 40 people.

    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to an online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 00 Co-financiers

Resumen de la Primera Etapa

25 | 10 | 2022

SPANISH (English below)

Han pasado muchas cosas desde que comenzamos nuestro viaje hace más de veinte días y queríamos haceros un pequeño resumen de cómo se están desarrollando los cursos y el rodaje.

Como sabéis, el viaje comenzó en Galicia, en la Estación Agroecológica de Vieiro, a finales de septiembre. Muy pronto tuvimos que solucionar algunos obstáculos importantes. El más grande podría ser que la furgoneta encargada de llevar al equipo y el material decidió que esta aventura le venía grande, así que tuvimos que buscar una alternativa rápidamente. En Guipúzcoa se nos sumó Samanta, una guipuchi encantadora que en un principio se había sumado a hacer un curso de agricultura sintrópica y terminó enrolándose en la Caravana Agroforestal, aportando además su maravillosa furgoneta. ¡El camino provee!

En Cataluña hicimos una gira muy intensa y visitamos muchos proyectos en poco tiempo. Nos dedicamos a la regeneración del olivar en Riu d'Or (Lleida) para después redescubrir a ese gran olvidado, el algarrobo, en Ecotros (Tarragona). Allí aprendimos la enorme diversidad de deliciosos productos que se pueden obtener de la algarroba gracias a la gente de Garrofina. Más tarde visitamos la finca de Eugènia y aprendimos algunos métodos para encontrar agua más allá de la lluvia. La gente de Angrillats nos abrió sus puertas en el Pirineo, y entre siembra y siembra nos quedó un poquito de tiempo para disfrutar de algún amanecer para el recuerdo y de participar en la entrevista de La Aldea del Ninja Verde, que pronto podréis escuchar.

Iñaki Makazaga nos invitó a contar nuestro proyecto en su podcast Piedra de Toque. Podéis leer el artículo escrito y escuchar el podcast en ElDiario.es y también a través de Spotify.

La Caravana Agroforestal fue invitada a asistir al congreso de Agricultura Regenerativa en la Universitat de Lleida, organizado por EIT Food y Agricultura Regenerativa Ibérica, con el apoyo de la Unión Europea. Allí Alberto Pérez Roldán y Miguel Ángel López Tenorio nos alumbraron con su conocimiento acerca de modelos agrícolas que buscan la convivencia entre la producción y el cuidado del medio ambiente.

Esta primera etapa ha sido intensa, llena de encuentros inspiradores. Hemos conectado con muchísima gente motivada a encontrar alternativas a la agricultura convencional, dispuestas a ser el cambio que queremos ver.

En este preciso momento nos encontramos en el Delta del Ebro y nos dirigimos hacia la Comunidad Valenciana con la ilusión de conocer nuevos proyectos y seguir aprendiendo de la mano de los tres formadores y todas las personas que participen en los talleres. Seguro que surgen conexiones interesantes ¡os iremos contando las novedades!

MUCHAS GRACIAS a todas las personas que ya habéis colaborado con nuestro proyecto y por darnos aliento para continuar. Os animamos una vez más a llevar nuestra voz más lejos, a contagiar a todo el mundo a vuestro alrededor de esta energía de cambio. Juntas lo haremos posible. ¡Seguimos adelante!


Many things have happened since we started our trip more than twenty days ago and we wanted to give you a brief summary of how the courses and filming are developing.

As you know, the trip began in Galicia, at the Vieiro Agroecological Station, at the end of September. Very soon we had to overcome some major obstacles. The biggest one could be that the van we were using to travel around decided that this adventure was too big for her, so we had to find an alternative quickly. In Guipúzcoa we were lucky enough to meet Samanta, a charming Guipuchi who had initially joined a syntropic farming course and ended up enrolling in the Agroforestry Caravan, and she came together with her wonderful van. The road provides!

In Catalonia we did a very intense tour and visited many projects in a short time. We focused on olive grove regeneration in Riu d'Or (Lleida) to later rediscover the many times forgotten carob tree, in Ecotros (Tarragona). There we learned about the enormous diversity of delicious products that can be obtained from carobs thanks to the people of Garrofina. Afterwards we visited Eugènia's farm and learned some methods to find water beyond the rain. The people of Angrillats opened their doors to us in the Pyrenees, and between sowing and sowing we had a little time left to enjoy an amazing sunrise and to participate in the interview with La Aldea del Ninja Verde, which you will soon be able to listen to.

Iñaki Makazaga invited us to talk about our project in his Piedra de Toque podcast. You can read the article and listen to the podcast at ElDiario.es and also through Spotify.

The Agroforestry Caravan was invited to attend the Regenerative Agriculture congress at the University of Lleida, organized by EIT Food and Iberian Regenerative Agriculture, with the support of the European Union. There, Alberto Pérez Roldán and Miguel Ángel López Tenorio enlightened us with their knowledge about agricultural models that seek coexistence between production and care for the environment.

This first stage has been intense, full of inspiring encounters. We have connected with many people who are very motivated to find alternatives to conventional farming, willing to be the change we want to see.

At this moment we are in the Ebro Delta, heading towards the Valencian Community. We are excited to get to know new projects and to learn more from our three trainers and all the people who participate in the workshops. Interesting connections will surely arise, we will keep you updated!

THANKS AGAIN to all of you who have already collaborated with our project. Your support is very important to all of us. We encourage you once again to take our voice further, to spread the word and motivate people around you with this energy of change. Together we will make it possible.


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