¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 30 / 12 / 2022
$ 25,746
$ 16,329
$ 38,101
212 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11


    A huge THANK YOU. Your name will appear in the final credits.

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22


    + Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest .

    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union)

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33


    + Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.

    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union)

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54


    +Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023)

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Spain)

    > 56 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54


    + SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Spain)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65


    +Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023)

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65


    + SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 76


    + A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credit

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109



    + You can choose between the SINTRÓPICA T-shirt or the A3 risograph print, both designed by the artist Pedro Perles.

    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credit

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 163


    **+ Silky F-180 folding saw.

    • A10% discount on an agriculture course given by Jaime Otero Páramo.
    • Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023).
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Agroforestry kit: assortment of seeds collected during the trip to create your own 1m² agroforestry nest.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to the European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 272


    **+ Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023).

    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • SINTRÓPICA T-shirt designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to Europen Union)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 544


    + Book "Syntropic agriculture according to Ernst Götsch" in English, Spanish or Portuguese. (Estimated shipping time: spring 2023) .

    • 2 T-shirts SINTRÓPICA designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.
    • Your name will appear in the final credits.

    (Shipping to European Union and United Kingdom)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,089



    + Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as official sponsor + Exclusive online discussion with the protagonists and creators of the documentary for a maximum of 40 people .

    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by the artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to the online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,722


    *OFFICIAL SPONSOR (Special for companies and organizations)

    + Organization of a course given by Jaime Otero Páramo, during 2 days for 15 people in any corner of the Iberian geography.

    • Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as official sponsor.
    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to an online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,443


    *COPRODUCER (Special for companies and organizations)

    + Your logo or name will appear in the credits of the documentary as co-producer + exclusive online discussion with the protagonists and creators of the documentary for a maximum of 40 people.

    • A3 risograph print of SINTRÓPICA on Shiro Echo 200g 100% recycled paper, designed by the artist Pedro Perles.
    • 2 SINTRÓPICA T-shirts designed by artist Pedro Perles, 100% organic cotton.
    • Link to watch the documentary for 72 hours and exclusive invitation to an online colloquium with the protagonists.

    (Global shipping)

    > 00 Co-financiers

¡La banda sonora está listal! / OST is ready!

12 | 12 | 2023



Hoy nos hace mucha ilusión anunciaros que la banda sonora de SINTRÓPICA ya está lista, recién salidita del horno de El Tigre Studio de Bilbao. El apoyo que obtuvimos de la aportación de todos/as los/as mecenas nos ha permitido escoger a un músico de categoría para hacerse cargo de la composición y la producción musical. Se trata de Jon Aguirrezabalaga, más conocido como Zabala, miembro de los extintos We Are Standard, y creador de numerosas bandas sonoras de películas y piezas de teatro. Su música está siempre asociada a la imagen, con quien convive a menudo. En este caso, juntos, hemos decidido crear una música electrónica con algunos tintes orgánicos, gracias a los instrumentos tradicionales, e incluso ancestrales, que ha aportado Antton Calleja. Buscamos expresar de esta forma el encuentro de esos dos mundos que se abrazan en la agricultura sintrópica, lo ancestral y lo vanguardista, la búsqueda de la tradición y la ruptura hacia un nuevo horizonte. No podemos estar más satisfechas del resultado.

Aprovechamos para contaros que en este mismo momento se está realizando la corrección de color y la mezcla de sonido del documental, lo que significa que estamos muy cerca de llegar al final de este viaje. Estamos deseando compartirlo con todas, pero en especial con aquellas personas que nos habéis acompañado desde el principio. Una vez más, gracias por vuestro apoyo y confianza. Estad atentos/as para conocer las próximas noticias en enero, mes en el que esperamos terminar el docu.


Today we are really glad to announce that the original soundrack of SINTRÓPICA is ready, just released at El Tigre Studio, Bilbao. The support that we got from every backer has allowed us to choose a brilliant musician to take on the musical production and composition. We are talking about Jon Aguirrezabalaga, known as Zabala, member of the extinct group We Are Standard, author of numerous movie soundtracks and theatre plays. His music is always linked to image. He creates solid and enigmatic atmospheres. In this case, together, we've decided to create an electronic soundtrack with some organic touch, thanks to traditional and even ancient instruments, that Antton Calleja has contributed with. In that way we want to express the encounter of two worlds that come together in syntropic farming, both, the ancient and the forefront, the search for tradition and the break towards a new horizon. We couldn't be more satisfied with the result.

We take this opportunity to announce that at this very moment the works of color grading and sound edition are being done, which means that we're very close to end this journey. We're looking forward to sharing it with everybody, but specially with those who have acompanied us since the beginning. Once more, thanks for your support and trust. Stay tuned for more exciting news in January, when we expect to finish the film.


Carmen Orive
Hace 1 year
Que ganas de ver ya el documental!!!!
Suena muy bien.

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