Every person contributing will receive an email thanking them.
> 03 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 546
Digital Rock&Water poster
We´ll send you a digital poster on bullying. We will also mention your name on our future webpage as a contributor.
> 07 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 1,092
Workshop Rock& Water for professionals
As a reward for your contribution we offer you a 2 hour workshop in Spanish in Barcelona for professionals in which you will be introduced to the Rock& Water method. We will practice some techniques and talk about bullying dynamics in schools and our role as professionals in prevention. Apart from this you will receive the digital poster.
> 02 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 1,092
Workshop Rock& Water for parent and child
AS a reward for your contribution we offer you a 2 hour workshop in Rock & Water in Spanish in Barcelona for one parent and one child. We will practice techniques and explain about bullying prevention. You will also receive the digital poster.
> 04 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 2,183
Mention of your name in the video
.As a reward for your contribution we will mention your name as a special contributor in our video. You will also receive the digital poster and 2 places in one of the workshops for professionals or parents and children.
> 08 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 5,458
Rock & Water workshop in your school
I will travel to your primary school in Catalonia (Spain) to offer a half day workshop for the team on bullying and how the Rock & Water method helps create a safer school climate. You will also receive a mention in our video and the digital poster.
El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
En breve acaba la 2a ronda de nuestro Goteo, aquí puedes seguir los últimos detalles (haz clic)
¡Lo hemos logrado! Campaña cofinanciada en Goteo gracias a mucha gente ;)
¡Genial! Objetivo mínimo logrado, muchas gracias a quienes habéis apoyado y difundido la campaña de Goteo
¡Qué nervios, ya casi lo tenemos!
¡Tres días no son nada! Si no has aportado aún, ¿a qué esperas? Mucha gente ya lo ha hecho.
Tic-tac, momento clave para aportar en Goteo esta última semana. ¡Te necesitamos!
50% recaudado, ¡ya vemos el vaso medio lleno!
20 días de campaña en Goteo, y aún un mundo por delante. ¿Quién nos puede ayudar también con esto? (haz clic)
Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
Tras una semana de crowdfunding, te recordamos nuestros motivos (haz clic)
Haz clic para ver lo que vamos a hacer si logramos este crowdfunding.
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¿Conoces nuestro proyecto? Aquí + info de quiénes somos.
¡Arranca esta campaña!
Contributing $ 218
A "thank you" email
Every person contributing will receive an email thanking them.
> 03 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 546
Digital Rock&Water poster
We´ll send you a digital poster on bullying. We will also mention your name on our future webpage as a contributor.
> 07 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 1,092
Workshop Rock& Water for professionals
As a reward for your contribution we offer you a 2 hour workshop in Spanish in Barcelona for professionals in which you will be introduced to the Rock& Water method. We will practice some techniques and talk about bullying dynamics in schools and our role as professionals in prevention. Apart from this you will receive the digital poster.
> 02 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 1,092
Workshop Rock& Water for parent and child
AS a reward for your contribution we offer you a 2 hour workshop in Rock & Water in Spanish in Barcelona for one parent and one child. We will practice techniques and explain about bullying prevention. You will also receive the digital poster.
> 04 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 2,183
Mention of your name in the video
.As a reward for your contribution we will mention your name as a special contributor in our video. You will also receive the digital poster and 2 places in one of the workshops for professionals or parents and children.
> 08 Co-financiers
Contributing $ 5,458
Rock & Water workshop in your school
I will travel to your primary school in Catalonia (Spain) to offer a half day workshop for the team on bullying and how the Rock & Water method helps create a safer school climate. You will also receive a mention in our video and the digital poster.
> 01 Co-financiers
1 collaborators
7 Available crowdsourcing needs
People working in primary education
We'd like to form a network in order to look at bullying and bullying prevention from different perspectives.