¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

PUDENTE, first opera in Basque

  • Contributing $ 109


    Nothing can be built without a good basis that supports everything else. With your small but fundamental contribution you help us give more visibility and strength to the project and you will have our thanks on our website.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 327


    As a small but equally important contributor, we would appreciate your contribution in our social networks and on our website. In addition, and so that you have a nice souvenir of this project, we will send you a postcard with the design of the opera poster.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546


    If you want to "stretch yourself" a little, we will thank you especially with a mention in our programmes on performance days, in addition to the rewards in the previous section.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 982


    You, who like to be close to what happens on stage, will receive a free participation in the workshop we will be holding with part of the cast of the production on the Basque operatic repertoire, as well as the acknowledgements and the postcard.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,637


    As we know that you like opera and we like you, and you support our efforts, we will offer you a seat at friend's price for your contribution. We will duly thank you in all the places we can and, specifically, in the hand programme.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,965


    For you who want to go with that special someone to an evening at the opera, we offer you two seats at friend's price. All of this, with all due thanks and mention in programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,729


    For lending us a hand, we will give you an invitation to a performance of Donostia Opera. All with thanks and a mention in the programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,021


    As a thank you for that extra effort in supporting us, we will give you two invitations to a performance of Donostia Opera. All of this, with all due thanks and a mention in the programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    Dress Circle

    In addition to the above we offer you the opportunity to be close to the artists participating in our show through VIP access. All of this, with due thanks and mention in programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832


    We will place your company logo on our rollup in a prominent position. All of this, with thanks and mention in programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43,664


    We will place your company logo projected with a GOBO.
    All this, with due thanks and mention in programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65,495


    To enhance that special event, we will offer you a private performance of Donostia Opera. All of this, with all due thanks and mention in the programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 00 Co-financiers

108 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

$ 546
$ 109


$ 109
$ 2,729
$ 1,965
$ 1,965
$ 327


$ 327
$ 327


$ 327
$ 2,183
$ 2,729
$ 437