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Cultivating new realities from A Maceta

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Finished 11 / 04 / 2023
$ 4,529
$ 4,419
$ 4,960
82 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 13

    Thank you card ( post included)

    You will receive a thank you card with one of the prints made by us.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Bolsa A Maceta + Semillas

    Unha bolsa co logo da Maceta para levar as verduras de Horta Felipa ou as ferramentas ao Taller Artísitco Ita. Inclue un saquiño cas nosas sementes favoritas.
    A recoller no espazo A Maceta

    Esta aportación desconta en Facenda. Donando 20 € o teu gasto real chega a ser só 4 €!
    Compróbao aquí : https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    2-day coworking voucher

    Voucher that gives you access to two days of shared work in the A Maceta space, where, in addition to working, we will enjoy the conversation and discuss future projects together.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    The women in Yellow

    A print of the work The Woman in Yellow. Women, Art and Climate Change. Size: 50 x 50 cm
    To be collected in the space A Maceta

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    2-hour space voucher

    Bonus that gives access to two hours of use of the space to carry out cultural activities.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Bono Espazo Fin de Semana

    Bono que da acceso ao aluger do espazo durante un fin de semana para sesións de traballo de equipos creativos.

    Esta aportación desconta en Facenda. Donando 100 € o teu gasto real chega a ser só 27 €!
    Compróbao aquí : https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 04 Co-financiers

About this project

The Xeiteira table, a table for conversation, a table for the Community

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
The table
Construction Cost of the table
$ 4,419
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Comisiones da plataforma de crowdfunding e dos sistemas de pago.
$ 542
Total $ 4,419 $ 4,960

General information


A Maceta is a place for collaborative work and cultural actionl. A dynamizing space of social and environmental innovation from the local, Muros, to the regional and beyond.
Our main tools are creativity and teamwork.
The central element of the space is the dialogue table, the Xeiteira table. A table inspired by the traditional boats that used to sail in these waters. The Xeito was the traditional net used to catch sardines, which is the device that gives the boat its name.
With the space, a non-profit organization A Maceta was born, from which we want to promote various cultural actions in collaboration with the various territorial agents. The first of these actions is to launch this micro-patronage campaign aimed at raising funds for this very significant table, a table for all people

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The space is part of a historic building on the seafront of the town of Muros. A Maceta is located on the ground floor, sheltered by the traditional porches where boats and fishing gear were kept. The refurbishment of the space is a firm step in the recovery of the historical memory of the place.
The central element of this space is the Xeiteira table, the conversation table, which is the protagonist of this crowdfunding campaign, inspired by local culture and heritage.
A table that seeks to facilitate dialogue between people, collective work using creativity as the main tool and culture as the backbone of the actions to be carried out.
It is a whole, a dialogue table, and at the same time, it is divided into four, the shipwreck table. Thus allowing the organization in different work groups.
It is handmade, with 100% local timber. It is more than 4 meters long and 1.6 meters wide.
An inclusive and fun table
a table for all people

img-20220818-120141.jpg xeiteira.jpg boat-2.jpg boat-3.jpg mesa-xeiteira-4.jpg

Why this is important

The current ecosocial, environmental and values crisis leads us to face problems of great complexity almost unarmed. We need to reconnect with ourselves and our Community to concentrate efforts that achieve a greater impact from the collective.
The rural areas presents a great opportunity both for its natural and cultural resources. Another great opportunity is that we are part of a global community, we can take advantage more than ever of the exchange of** information and talent that normally left the rural areas isolated.
On the other hand, for decades we have been losing the physical and cultural spaces, generation and cultivation of the Community so characteristic of the countryside.
A Maceta is born as a space for connection and inspiration that favors the creation of new collaboration networks. A space that facilitates the cooperation of the different agents of the local ecosystem with the talent that can come from other parts of Galicia and the world.
A space open to locals and people who travel through these homes to telework, to institutions and citizen organizations that need a place to convene and present themselves.
We envision a diverse Community sitting around a table, the Xeiteira table, inspired by local culture and heritage.**


Team and experience

The non-profit organization A Maceta is made up of 3 great women: Alba, Sara and Laura, who share concerns, vision and purpose.
Alba, muradana, promoter of the initiative. With more than 10 years of experience as an architect specializing in sustainability, health and well-being with projects spread across different communities on the planet. Extensive design experience that covers from the design of objects with the principles of circularity to the design of strategies for the regeneration of communities.
Sara, curious and all-terrain woman. It could be summed up in that she is an engineer specializing in the improvement of processes and the environment, that the paths of life have led her to focus on what really matters: generating a positive impact on the world starting with her territory. She lives in the village where she feels her home is, and actively collaborates in the Maceta's sister project, Villa Regina, in Santa Comba.
Laura, accompanying the initiative from the interest of promoting the local social, cultural and natural capital working from the social and financial innovation field in which she has developed professionally for more than 10 years.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development