¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

La Isla de los Niños

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  • Location Isla de Tierra Bomba, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia
Finished 15 / 07 / 2020
£ 1,312
£ 858
£ 1,951
37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8


    For your contribution you will receive a digital ticket with access code to see the short film "Children Islands" and you will enjoy with our protagonist’s adventures comfortably in your place.
    Film will be available during July, every time you want to watch it.

    Although the code is for personal use, and we ask that don't share, you can share our campaign and help us to get support for Los Amigos del Mar.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Collaborator spectator

    For your contribution you will receive a digital ticket with access code to see the short film "Children Islands" and you will enjoy with our protagonist’s adventures comfortably in your place.
    Film will be available during July, every time you want to watch it.
    Besides, your name will appear in the credits of the film in the "special thanks" section.

    Although the code is for personal use, and we ask that don't share, you can share our campaign and help us to get support for Los Amigos del Mar.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Goodfather/mother spectator

    For your contribution you will receive a digital ticket with access code to see the short film "Children Islands" and you will enjoy with our protagonist’s adventures comfortably in your place.
    Film will be available during July, every time you want to watch it.

    Besides, your name will appear in the credits of the film in the "special thanks" section.

    Furthermore, you will receive a special video with the special thanks from the protagonist, and if you wish it could be posted in your social media

    Although the code is for personal use, and we ask that don't share, you can share our campaign and help us to get support for Los Amigos del Mar.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84


    For your contribution you will receive a digital ticket with access code to see the short film "Children Islands" and you will enjoy with our protagonist’s adventures comfortably in your place.
    Film will be available during July, every time you want to watch it.

    Besides, your name will appear in the credits of the film in the "special thanks" section.

    Furthermore, you will receive a special video with the special thanks from the protagonist, and if you wish, it could be posted in your social media.

    Also, we send you a digital photographs collection, made by the kids in the photo festivals that we organized which show the views and the live at the island.

    Although the code is for personal use, and we ask that don't share, you can share our campaign and help us to get support for Los Amigos del Mar.

    > 04 Co-financiers

Comienza la cuenta atrás/Start the count down

28 | 06 | 2020
Comienza la cuenta atrás/Start the count down

Solamente 10 días le quedan a nuestra campaña y estamos muy cerca de conseguir nuestros objetivos para poder apoyar a las familias de Tierrabomba. Sin embargo nos llegan noticias compicadas de la isla donde se acaba de detectar el primer caso de positivo. No podemos bajar la guardia, tenemos que llevar el material higiénico a la isla con más urgencia que antes.
Os compartimos un nuevo trailer de la película, solo quedan 10 días para poder comprar un boleto para verla completa. Recuérdaselo a tus contactos.

Los amigos del mar.

Only 10 days remain for our campaign and we are very close to achieving our goals to be able to support the families of Tierrabomba. However, we get news from the island where the first positive case has just been detected. We cannot let our guard down, we have to bring the hygiene material to the island with more urgency than before.
We share a new trailer for the movie, there are only 10 days left to buy a ticket to see it in full. Remind your contacts.

The friends of the sea.


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