Contributing $ 218
Thank you in the platform
Thanks for believing in the project! You will appear in the list of co-financers of the platform
> 22 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Thanks for believing in the project! You will appear in the list of co-financers of the platform
Take the Action Kit including a stencil of Makea to mark your creations and 5 stickers of + Thank you in the platform.
Bring the POCKET / PATCH of, it's embroidered and handmade with reused fabrics. Sew it yourself! + Thank you in the platform.
We send you the collection of the printed catalogues of four editions of the REHOGAR Collective Exhibition (2010-2013) with more than 350 recipes! + DIY Patch / Pocket + Thank you in the platform.
Get ready to go over the streets searching your treasures! Take a handmade Collector Tote-Bag made with reused big-bags. All of them are different! + Action Kit + Thank you in the platform.
Take the Collector Tote-Bag + DIY Patch / Pocket + Action Kit + Thank you in the platform.
A member of Makea Tu Vida will make a presentation of the platform, explaining its features, history, versions and use according to your sector. If you have an idea, get in touch with us and we will fit the presentation to your needs. (It will be necessary to add travel and subsistence allowance expenses for locations out of Barcelona or Valencia).
We will develop a for you a 8 hours workshop coordinated by a member of Makea Tu Vida.
A workshop for the learning and use of Open Design and Upcycling methodologies through the analysis and the experimentation with the platform. If you have an idea, get in touch with us and we will fit the workshop to your needs. (It will be necessary to add travel and subsistence allowance expenses for locations out of Barcelona or Valencia).
Two thousand of thanks for believing in this project! You will appear in the front page of the platform as Official Collaborator for one year. Certainly you will also take the Makeador Kit that includes the Collector Tote-Bag + DIY Patch / Pocket + Action Kit + Thank you in the platform.
Recién acabamos de empezar con la campaña y ya estamos en marcha preparando la nueva versión 4.0 de la plataforma!
Este viernes 12 de Junio se plantea sus vías de evolución en el Taller - Evolución de la plataforma colaborativa, que se celebra en el marco de los OSCEdays, un encuentro global-local alrededor de la Economía Circular en Código Abierto en el que participan de manera simultánea más de 30 ciudades de 25 países diferentes del mundo.
Desde Barcelona nos hemos sumado a esta iniciativa, y durante estos días trabajaremos simultáneamente en distintos challenges o retos entorno al diseño, hardware, software, gestión de residuos, el turismo gestión de recursos y economía colaborativa, para desarrollar, intercambiar y prototipar ideas en Código Abierto para una Economía Circular.
La filosofía de la plataforma se basa en la construcción colaborativa y abierta de la misma, de forma que sea conjunta con tod*s aquell*s interesad*s en aportar sus conocimientos y técnicas para el desarrollo de la plataforma para el beneficio de la comunidad.
Es por eso que en esta nueva fase de evolución de la plataforma queremos continuar con el proceso de construcción colectiva para esta versión 4.0 y por eso este viernes 12 de Junio empezamos con el Taller - Evolución de la plataforma colaborativa que tiene como finalidad de analizar, discutir y plantear mejoras a la plataforma con miras a su próxima evolución.
Se trata de un ejercicio que partirá de las líneas de evolución marcadas en procesos anteriores y del análisis DAFO de la actual versión 3.2
Incorporando todas aquellas ideas, propuestas, usos, reflexiones, aplicaciones... que de un proceso de estas características podamos generar de forma colectiva.
Actividad: Taller de Desarrollo de Plataforma colaborativa.
Dónde: Fábrica de Creació Fabra i Coats (C/Sant Adriá, 20 08030 · Barcelona)
Cuándo?: Viernes 12 Junio 2015
Horario: 16:00h. - 19:00h.
Inscripción: Gratuita, registro a través del siguiente enlace
Para participar en este taller os recomendamos que examineis bien la actual versión de la plataforma, la documentación que generamos en el taller Interactivos?’13 Herramientas para un mundo legible y editable que realizamos en Medialab Prado (Madrid) y que nos permitió gestar la versión 3.0 (Enero, 2014) que dió lugar a la versión 3.21 que actualmente está en uso.
Pero sobretodo que te animes a participar y vengas con ganas de aportar, sumarte a las mesas de trabajo que se plantearán y a disfrutar creando.
De momento, os dejamos con algunas cuestiones que nos rondan en la cabeza para implementar en la nueva versión 4.0:
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Thank you in the platform
Thanks for believing in the project! You will appear in the list of co-financers of the platform
> 22 Co-financiers
Take the Action Kit including a stencil of Makea to mark your creations and 5 stickers of + Thank you in the platform.
> 32 Co-financiers
Bring the POCKET / PATCH of, it's embroidered and handmade with reused fabrics. Sew it yourself! + Thank you in the platform.
> 08 Co-financiers
We send you the collection of the printed catalogues of four editions of the REHOGAR Collective Exhibition (2010-2013) with more than 350 recipes! + DIY Patch / Pocket + Thank you in the platform.
> 18 Co-financiers
Get ready to go over the streets searching your treasures! Take a handmade Collector Tote-Bag made with reused big-bags. All of them are different! + Action Kit + Thank you in the platform.
> 08 Co-financiers
Makeador Kit
Take the Collector Tote-Bag + DIY Patch / Pocket + Action Kit + Thank you in the platform.
> 00 Co-financiers
Presentation of
A member of Makea Tu Vida will make a presentation of the platform, explaining its features, history, versions and use according to your sector. If you have an idea, get in touch with us and we will fit the presentation to your needs. (It will be necessary to add travel and subsistence allowance expenses for locations out of Barcelona or Valencia).
> 00 Co-financiers
We will develop a for you a 8 hours workshop coordinated by a member of Makea Tu Vida.
A workshop for the learning and use of Open Design and Upcycling methodologies through the analysis and the experimentation with the platform. If you have an idea, get in touch with us and we will fit the workshop to your needs. (It will be necessary to add travel and subsistence allowance expenses for locations out of Barcelona or Valencia).
> 00 Co-financiers
Official Collaborator
Two thousand of thanks for believing in this project! You will appear in the front page of the platform as Official Collaborator for one year. Certainly you will also take the Makeador Kit that includes the Collector Tote-Bag + DIY Patch / Pocket + Action Kit + Thank you in the platform.
> 00 Co-financiers
Are you a passionate of upcycling? Are you part of a group that puts into practice these methodologies to transform your environment? Open, document a
We want to translate to other languages, mainly to English, though other languages are welcome...
We want to improve the quality of the shared recipes, that's why we ask for your help to check and detect incomplete or unfinished contents. And later
We need collaborators who want to improve the recipes, (from drawing blueprints, graphs and drawings, to writing texts or making videos).