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ECO DOS TEIXOS: mucho más que un albergue

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Finished 23 / 02 / 2021
£ 14,190
£ 8,244
£ 16,043
318 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8


    Thank you for helping us with our project. We will make a special mention on social media with your name along with the people who have collaborated. In addition, you will enter a preference list when receiving information about our activities and when you wish to participate in any of them.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 11


    In addition to our thanks on social media, you will participate in a SUPER DRAW
    1st PRIZE: HAMPER, valued at over 150€, with organic products from the area or from friendly companies, gift items with the Lodges’ logo and 2 free nights at the Lodge for 2 people.
    2nd PRIZE: 2 free nights for 2 people at the Lodge.

    • Shipping ONLY Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 12

    Colorful case + SUPER DRAW GIVEAWAY

    In addition to participating in the SUPER DRAW, you will receive at your home a case with the logo of the Lodge. There are several models and all unique! We brought them back from Nepal, where we went as volunteers of ONG Camina Nepal
    The case will be chosen in order of contribution in this voucher;)

    • Shipping ONLY Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands.
    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Hemp wallet + SUPER DRAW GIVEAWAY

    In addition to participating in the SUPER DRAW GIVEAWAY, you will receive a wallet with the Lodges’ logo at your home. There are several models and none is the same as another! There are several models and all unique! We brought them back from Nepal, where we went as volunteers of ONG Camina Nepal
    The wallet will be chosen in order of contribution in this voucher;)

    • Shipping ONLY Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands.
    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 15

    Dress up as Teixo! + SUPER DRAW GIVEAWAY

    In addition to participating in the SUPER DRAW, you will receive at your home the Eco dos Teixos t-shirt, made of organic cotton, stamped by Espacio Matrioska, an artistic collective from Os Blancos (Ourense), sharing a social and environmental commitment with us.

    Different colors and sizes to choose from: size 3 years to XXL.

    • Shipping ONLY Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands.

    > 92 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 15

    Nos vamos de ruta!

    Para descubrir los montes de Casaio y las maravillosas montañas del territorio de Trevinca. Caminatas llenas de historia y naturaleza en las que te contaremos los secretos que esconden estos paisajes:
    San Xil y las pinturas rupestres, chozos y supervivencia de la guerrilla en el monte, cascadas inmensas, el ecosistema del Teixadal y sus árboles inverosímiles!

    Incluye 1 Ruta guiada. Se realizarán varios fines de semana con diferentes rutas guiadas, en grupos reducidos. Podrás apuntarte en la que más te guste! Precio para 1 persona.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    To save up the money + SUPER DRAW GIVEAWAY

    Thank you in advance for helping us with our project!. In addition to participating in the raffle, you will receive at home a beautiful original Judas Bag made by Elba.

    • Shipping ONLY Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Natural hemp shoulder bag + SUPER DRAW GIVEAWAY

    In addition to participating in the SUPER DRAW, you will receive at home a shoulder bag made with natural hemp with the logo of the Lodge. There are several models and all unique! We brought them back from Nepal, where we went as volunteers of ONG Camina Nepal
    The bag will be chosen in order of contribution in this voucher;)

    • Shipping ONLY Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands
    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 18

    no avaliable for other countries (sorry!)


    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 20

    no avaliable for other countries (sorry!)


    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    no avaliable


    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 30

    Estrena Eco dos Teixos y conoce Casaio

    Podrás disfrutar en primicia de los primeros pasos de Eco dos Teixos. Además, realizaremos una visita guiada recoriendo Casaio, el pueblo hecho en pizarra, conociendo la singularidad de su arquitectura y sus rincones más especiales.

    Incluye 2 noches de alojamiento + 2 desayunos + visita guiada "Casaio, hecho en pizarra". Precio para 1 persona.
    Fotografía de Max15002*

    Recuerda que tu donación desgrava en la Declaración de la Renta! Compruébalo aquí.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    2 days of disconnection!

    2 nights accommodation for 2 people or 4 nights for 1 person; in a private room. (Special price for the Drip Campaign)
    The stay may be any day except long weekends, Easter, Christmas, from 1st July to 1st September, to be specified in advance.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 40

    Nos vamos de ruta! Incluye 2 noches de alojamiento y desayunos

    Para descubrir los montes de Casaio y las maravillosas montañas del territorio de Trevinca. Caminatas llenas de historia y naturaleza en las que te contaremos los secretos que esconden estos paisajes:
    San Xil y las pinturas rupestres, chozos y supervivencia de la guerrilla en el monte, cascadas inmensas, el ecosistema del Teixadal y sus árboles inverosímiles!

    Incluye: 2 noches + 2 desayunos + 1 Ruta guiada. Se realizarán varios fines de semana con diferentes rutas guiadas, en grupos reducidos. Podrás apuntarte en la que más te guste! Precio para 1 persona.

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    2 days of disconnection!

    2 nights accommodation for 2 people or 4 nights for 1 person; in a private room. (Special price for the Drip Campaign)
    The stay may be any day except long weekends, Easter, Christmas, from 1st July to 1st September, to be specified in advance.

    The stay may be any day except long weekends, Easter, Christmas, from 1st July to 1st September, to be specified in advance.

    > 65 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    The magic of stories and laughter!

    The magic of storytelling and the benefits of laughter therapy come together to fill days of good humor and creativity.
    For this we will count with two genious of story-telling and laughter: none other than Caxoto da Trastenda dos Contos and Pedro Brandariz

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and storytelling and laughter workshops, and some more surprises! for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    Yoga weekend, conscious hiking and edible forest

    A few days of calmness and learning in nature. We will discover different uses of plants and their nutritional properties with Yolanda Castro; the well-being of a Forest Bath with Elba and the body-mind connection through Yoga by the hand of Ada Palla.

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and yoga sessions, edible forest workshop and Shirinyoku (forest bath) for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    R-Cicla Monis!

    Yes! Just for you, monitors! What is always talked about in camps ... We want a camp ONLY FOR MONITORS!
    We will have dynamic renewal sessions, get active in the morning to learn new songs and chants, soirees, environmental activities, debates, archery, slackline, camping techniques ... and finally we can enjoy the camping games being the leading roles!
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and recycling and innovation conference in the world of Leisure Educational Time, for 1 person. Essential to have Title of Monitor of Leisure. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and a leisure time workshops for 1 person. Mandatory Leisure Time Monitor. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    Cirque du Teixeil

    With the help of Anita, Pabuko and Ton,, three full of energy globetrotters of the circus arts, we will embark into Circus world. Juggling, tightrope walking, slackline and acrosport, seasoned with laughter, music and good vibes!

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and workshops on different circus techniques for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    Gostas do Brazil na Galiza? Immerse yourself in the World of Capoeira.

    We will share a weekend with Frani and Adel, from the Club Deportivo Andaruê
    ). We will cohabitate a few days of with a taste of Brazil with capoeira as the basis. Brazilian food, percussion, a lot of rhythm and fun !! Adapted to all ages

    *For all ages..
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and Capoeira workshops and brazilian percusion for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    Travel through time with Sputnik Labrego.

    After more than three years excavating and researching in the Casaio mountains, the group of archaeologists Sputnik Labrego have made important discoveries and have uncovered great secrets of our past, working closely with the local community. On this occasion, they will explain to us first-hand about their findings and adventures: the Valborraz mines exploited by the Nazis during World War II, Neolithic cave paintings, Alvarizas, The City of the Jungle ..., they will reveal to us the secrets of their profession and you will discover the daily life of the Maquis through the objects rescued in the Trevinca mountains.
    In addition, we will go on a hiking route through the Montes de Casaio.

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and presentation with Sputnik Labrego, guide tour to the hot spots of the discoverings for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    Seeds of dance and conscious expression

    Immerse yourself in a sensory encounter through body-dance. Thanks to a Kaena Dancewe will learn Arabic dance movements and free spin, as well as working on body expression and our emotions through dance.

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and corporal expression, arabic dance and free spin, for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75

    R-cicla Monis! Room including meals.

    Yes! Just for you, monitors! What is always talked about in camps ... We want a camp ONLY FOR MONITORS!
    We will have dynamic renewal sessions, get active in the morning to learn new songs and chants, soirees, environmental activities, debates, archery, slackline, camping techniques ... and finally we can enjoy the camping games being the leading roles!
    Includes 2 nights accommodation and recycling and innovation conference in the world of Leisure Educational Time, for 1 person. Essential to have Title of Monitor of Leisure. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation with meals, and a leisure time workshops for 1 person. Mandatory Leisure Time Monitor. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75

    Cirque du Teixeil. Room including meals.

    With the help of Anita, Pabuko and Ton,, three full of energy globetrotters of the circus arts, we will embark into Circus world. Juggling, tightrope walking, slackline and acrosport, seasoned with laughter, music and good vibes!

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation with meals, and workshops on different circus techniques for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75


    Enjoy a themed weekend between families, breathing the tranquility of a rural environment and doing activities in Nature that will surprise you!
    • Intelligence and Emotional Education Workshop for mums and dads by the hand of "Lambita", , while the children develop emotional management through play, and to end fun family dynamics.
    • Walks spiced with environmental games and discovering the environment through a clue game.
    • Creative workshop with natural elements.
    • Laughter Yoga as a family with Yolanda Castro.
    • Tales around the bonfire.
    And many more surprises!!

    *Adult price.Children free pass. Maximun 2 children per adult (in case you are a large family or other family situation, ask us before chose this reward).
    Includes 2 nights accommodation at a private room for each family. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75

    Gostas do Brazil na Galiza? Immerse yourself in the World of Capoeira. Room including meals.

    We will share a weekend with Frani and Adel, from the Club Deportivo Andaruê
    ). We will cohabitate a few days of with a taste of Brazil with capoeira as the basis. Brazilian food, percussion, a lot of rhythm and fun !! Adapted to all ages

    *For all ages..
    Includes 2 nights accommodation with meals, and Capoeira workshops and brazilian percusion for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75

    Travel through time with Sputnik Labrego. Room including meals.

    After more than three years excavating and researching in the Casaio mountains, the group of archaeologists Sputnik Labrego have made important discoveries and have uncovered great secrets of our past, working closely with the local community. On this occasion, they will explain to us first-hand about their findings and adventures: the Valborraz mines exploited by the Nazis during World War II, Neolithic cave paintings, Alvarizas, The City of the Jungle ..., they will reveal to us the secrets of their profession and you will discover the daily life of the Maquis through the objects rescued in the Trevinca mountains.
    In addition, we will go on a hiking route through the Montes de Casaio.

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation with meals, and presentation with Sputnik Labrego, guide tour to the hot spots of the discoverings for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75

    Seeds of dance and conscious expression. Room including meals.

    Immerse yourself in a sensory encounter through body-dance. Thanks to a Kaena Dancewe will learn Arabic dance movements and free spin, as well as working on body expression and our emotions through dance.

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation with meals, and corporal expression, arabic dance and free spin, for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 80

    The magic of stories and laughter!. Room including meals.

    The magic of storytelling and the benefits of laughter therapy come together to fill days of good humor and creativity.
    For this we will count with two genious of story-telling and laughter: none other than Caxoto da Trastenda dos Contos and Pedro Brandariz

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation with meals, and storytelling and laughter workshops, and some more surprises! for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 80

    Yoga weekend, conscious hiking and edible forest. Room including meals.

    A few days of calmness and learning in nature. We will discover different uses of plants and their nutritional properties with Yolanda Castro; the well-being of a Forest Bath with Elba and the body-mind connection through Yoga by the hand of Ada Palla.

    *For over 18’s.
    Includes 2 nights accommodation with meals, and yoga sessions, edible forest workshop and Shirinyoku (forest bath) for 1 person. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 109

    PACHAMAMA & UBUNTU!!! CHILDREN GO FREE :) Room including meals.

    Enjoy a themed weekend between families, breathing the tranquility of a rural environment and doing activities in Nature that will surprise you!
    • Intelligence and Emotional Education Workshop for mums and dads by the hand of "Lambita", , while the children develop emotional management through play, and to end fun family dynamics.
    • Walks spiced with environmental games and discovering the environment through a clue game.
    • Creative workshop with natural elements.
    • Laughter Yoga as a family with Yolanda Castro.
    • Tales around the bonfire.
    And many more surprises!!

    *Adult price.Children free pass. Maximun 2 children per adult (in case you are a large family or other family situation, ask us before chose this reward).
    Includes 2 nights accommodation at a private room for each family, with meals. Entry on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday afternoon.

    Once the Campaign is finished, the dates will be published in advance according to the availability of the coordinators, adapting to the Health Regulations. It will be held during the year 2021 in Spring/Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher. In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
    The current COVID protocols will be respected.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 126

    Millennial B-day for children!

    Do you want to be the coolest mum or dad? Give the most original birthday party as a gift!
    With gymkhanas, treasure hunts, face painting, balloon crafts, archery, ScapeRoom, scientific experiments ... We have a thousand costumes and games: tell us what theme you want for your birthday and we will make sure it is the millennium birthday!

    We have a dining room, outdoor marquee and an outdoor area to play freely.
    Includes an afternoon of celebration, games and adventures with 2 Monitors and a healthy snack. Maximum 15 children. Minimum age 5 years (children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult) Activities to choose from our catalog based on age. Option to stay overnight (Not included in this price)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 377

    The Lodge for 2 nights at a special price

    Room for 26 people living room, self-service kitchen, tavern with dining room and open spaces on the farm. You can choose this option if you want to come and spend two nights with your group of friends, for a special celebration or event; and have the Lodge JUST for you.
    Ideas to encourage you to take this option: special celebration, bachelor party, teambuilding for your company, original family reunion, petit committee wedding ...;)
    (Special price for the Drip Campaign)
    The stay may be any day except long weekends, Easter, Christmas, from July 1st to September 1st ; to be specified in advance.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 503


    Tailor-made experience. Are you a school? a group of friends? an original family? This is YOUR OPTION. Come with up to 25 people to enjoy three very complete days:
    • 2 nights at the Lodge just for you
    • Friday night activities
    • Saturday hiking route
    • Saturday night activities
    • Sunday morning activities

    (Obviously as it is a super Donation, the activities can be chosen according to your interests and what is available in our catalog of activities and workshops!, For example: Environmental activities, different workshops, LandArt, starlight, karaoke, musical games, Archery, laughter therapy, Yellow Humor gymkhana, ScapeRoom, orientation race ...)
    Room for 26 people living room, self-service kitchen, tavern with dining room and open spaces on the farm.
    Ideas to encourage you to take this option: special celebration, bachelor party, teambuilding for your company, original family reunion, petit committee wedding ...;)
    (Special price for the Drip Campaign)

    The stay may be any day except long weekends, Easter, Christmas, from 1st July to 1st September, to be specified in advance.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 558

    O Teixo da Garda

    Become our Teixo da Garda (Tree Guard)!! You'll get:
    • For 12 months you get 2 nights a month free half-board accomodation in the Lodge starting when the campaign ends (includes breakfast and one meal a day).
    • Preference to sign up for our activities for life.
    • We will plant a Teixo (tree) with your name or with the name that you choose.

    The stay may be any day except long weekends, Easter, Christmas, from 1st July to 1st September, to be specified in advance.

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

We want to create a place of coexistence, where we can share experiences related to the rural world, nature, art and culture.

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Desing and fee payment of maintenance, hosting and web page.
£ 335
Goteo comissions for the minimum
We could pay the comissions about the minimum state. (5% Goteo +0,8% bank comission)
£ 452
Goteo comissions for the optimal
We could pay the comissions about the optimal state. (5% Goteo +0,8% bank comission)
£ 427
Rewards costs
We could pay some of the rewards costs (buy T-shirts, deliveries...)
£ 2,094
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Furniture and household of the Kitchen, bedrooms and living room furniture.
£ 5,027
Paint and varnish
Paint for the walls, enought for two coats. Wood coloured varnish for the wood ceiling.
£ 335
Dining room equipment
Chairs, tables and household for the industrial kitchen.
£ 4,189
Activities equipment
Bows, snowshoes, slackline,sled, balls...
£ 1,089
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Rural property remodeling
Excavation work for remodeling and leveling the property.
£ 2,094
Total £ 8,244 £ 16,043

General information

Eco dos Teixos is a new project that we are starting in a small town in the mountains called Casaio. We are rehabilitating a building that was the town's school and turning it into a tourist lodge with activities.
With the launch of the lodge, we will offer the following activities:

  • Environmental education
  • Hiking trails
  • Camps for kids, youth and families
  • Crafts, dance, circus workshops, etc.

In the town to date live about 150 people but the population is decreasing to worrying levels. Our goal is to revitalize the life of the town and with the help of the local community promote projects to make it an attractive place to re-inhabit.
We will propose activities for the people of the town such as gymnastics or memory workshops, dance ... as well as activities for the little ones of the town, such as excursions, environmental education, film forum, reading workshops and many more.
Furthermore, we want Eco dos Teixos to serve as a place of exchange and coexistence between the people who visit us and the local population.

We know that this situation is complicated for everyone, but we consider that on a psychological and social level it is necessary to continue having gatherings and social relationships (always in compliance with the current health regulations), share moments and experiences, as they are the basis of our well-being and continue to develop as people and doing so in a natural and healthy environment. For this reason we have proposed weekend workshops and activities despite the current situation. All activities and stays will be adapted to the protocols in force at the time of their completion, thus complying with the maximum health security.

The vouchers will be given in approximately a 3 month period from the end of the campaign.
We will contact you to specify details (color of shirt and size, shipping address ...)

With regards to the weekend workshops: once the campaign is over, the dates of completion will be published in advance according to the availability of the person who imparts it and accomodating to the Health Regulations in force at that time. They will be held during the year 2021, around Spring time. If the health situation forces us to postpone, they would be held in Autumn. Under no circumstances will you loose your voucher.
In the event that you have another commitment on the date and are not able to attend, there would be no inconvenience to participate in another workshop of your interest.
COVID protocol. The protocols in place at the time of the activity will be respected in all activities.

Raffle: The raffle will be done "Live" on Eco dos Teixos Facebook page at the end of the campaign and the date will be notified to you through the contact information you provided in the donation. We will also contact those who win! :)
The stays and birthday parties can be used until December 2022.
Travel to Eco dos Teixos Lodge (Casaio) will be provided from O Barco de Valdeorras.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Project description. Characteristics, strengths and differentials.

Eco dos Teixos is much more than a common lodge. We are designing a well-kept space with a traditional aesthetic, with open spaces, activity areas and a dining room on the ground floor that resembles a cave!
Apart from taking care of the details and personal care, Eco dos Teixos will offer a wide variety of activities related to leisure, nature and rural life.

Among the most prominent objectives:

  • Promote quality experience: create comprehensive itineraries that provide interaction with the environment and with the local population.
  • Diversify the local tourist offer.
  • Encourage leisure activities and educational free time.
  • Implement programs, courses, pedagogical and recreational outings, workshops or camps, largely orientated to environmental education and contact with nature.
  • Enhance the value of the natural and cultural resources of the territory.
  • Work on environmental education in a transversal way in each activity.
  • Set examples with facts, applying the four "R's" in our activity: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Reflect or (meditate) (Reflect is the most important R because as soon as we do it, we will quickly realize that it is not profitable, reasonable or responsible to continue wasting resources madly).
  • Work with highly trained and experienced professionals.
  • Carry out a continuous evaluation of each activity.
  • Offer maximum security in each of the activities.
  • Make Eco dos Teixos a benchmark as a local development space in the area.
  • Work continuously on relations with the local community.

Why this is important

Motivation and to whom the project is orientated

We rediscovered a territory with a high potential: forests, waterfalls, mountains, history ... This place called upon us to start dreaming about our life-long project.
Every day we felt more closed off in the city, with a high degree of stress. That is why we can value better this process of change: to be able to find a different way of life, slower, closer to earth and the people around us.
With the creation of the Eco dos Teixos lodge and activity center, we want to open a place of coexistence, where we can share experiences related to the rural world, nature, art and culture.

Team and experience

Previous experience and the team
We started four years ago with a small rural tourist family house https://www.casagelita.com/. Due to the good result we obtained on that project we decided to get more involved with the new project in Casaio. Normally we work in the Leisure and Educational sector, often in unstable working conditions. Our idea is that Eco dos Teixos will allow us to create a solid job opportunity for our future. Furthermore, we have always dreamed of implementing our own ideas in this area and we are getting closer and closer to achieving it.

Apart from all the people who in one way or another are involved in the project the Eco dos Teixos team is made up of:

Elba: Graduated in Biology, with a Master's Degree in teaching, and Leisure Time Monitor. In love with nature, she has extensive experience as a hiking guide, nature interpreter, environmental education and promoter in many camps and Leisure Time activities. Works with different age ranges, from infant to seniors.

Pedro: Senior Technician in Sociocultural and Tourist Animation, Director and coordinator of Leisure Time activities and graduated in Occupational Risk Prevention. He has been working since 2013 in the educational and Leisure Time field. During this time he has accumulated great experience as a Monitor and Director of camps, workshops and a multitude of activities in the sociocultural field.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Affordable and Clean Energy

    Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss