Support message:
Avui és el dia "bonus", on cada aportació que es faci avui l'administració la multiplica per tres!!! Falten 3.000€ per arribar al mínim, amb 1.000 i poc d'aportacions de particulars ja ho tindríem! Si voleu fer una aportació serà benvinguda, recordeu que a la declaració de la renda us tornen el 80% (80€ de cada 100€ aportats).
Crua: cooperem per canviar el futur dels materials de construcció:
(un projecte de la cooperativa del meu nebot!)
£ 42
Hace 1 month
Ponent Coopera — Reeixim l'OESST 2024: Crua received one of the "Reeixim l'OESST 2024" awards from Ponent Coopera. The awards aim to recognize and support the creation of new cooperative initiatives in Ponent, to reactivate the socio-economic fabric of the territory.
Ponent Coopera is a device for the promotion and promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Ponent territory. Within the framework of the Network of Cooperative Ateneus of Catalonia, it is oriented primarily to the creation of new cooperatives as well as to the generation of jobs in existing cooperatives. Ponent Coopera promotes intercooperation, accompaniment, training, diagnosis and dissemination of projects of the cooperative, social and solidarity economy of the Ponent region.
With this prize, your contribution will be equaled from the Regional Councils of Ponent to the ammount of 4,000€ according to the logic of matchfunding.
Ponent Coopera is a device for the promotion and promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Ponent territory. Within the framework of the Network of Cooperative Ateneus of Catalonia, it is oriented primarily to the creation of new cooperatives as well as to the generation of jobs in existing cooperatives. Ponent Coopera promotes intercooperation, accompaniment, training, diagnosis and dissemination of projects of the cooperative, social and solidarity economy of the Ponent region.
With this prize, your contribution will be equaled from the Regional Councils of Ponent to the ammount of 4,000€ according to the logic of matchfunding.