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Units Energy - Solidarity Energy: Lighting up vulnerable homes with panels on the roofs of churches and schools. Let's take care of our Earth – we don't have a Planet B!"

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Finished 12 / 02 / 2025
$ 290,669
$ 130,991
$ 709,534
69 Co-financiers
Matchfunding Agents
match invests
Reeixim l'OESST
Completado ($ 87,327)
  • Contributing $ 218

    Illuminating vulnerable homes: with solar panels on church and school rooftops. Join us!

    Thank you very much, you are now part of the team illuminating vulnerable homes. We gift you with:

    Name on the mural: We will place a mural in the office with the names of everyone who has participated in this project.
    This way, we will always keep in mind the collective spirit and network that characterizes us.

    Tax-deductible donation: if you donate €10, your actual expense will be €2. Declare the donation on your tax return and the tax office will return the remaining €8. When you make the donation, you will receive a certificate to present in your tax return. Check it out ](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 655

    Because united we are pure energy.

    Because together we are pure energy: Bookmark with printed artwork + name on the mural

    Bookmark with locally printed artwork in a limited series for Units Energy.
    Name on the mural: We will place a mural in the office with the names of everyone who has participated in this project. This way, we will always keep in mind the collective spirit and network that characterizes us. Remember that each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: if you donate €30, your actual expense will be €6. Declare the donation on your tax return and the tax office will return the remaining €24. When you make the donation, you will receive a certificate to present on your tax return. Check it ](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    Switch to cooperation.

    Welcome to the Units Energy community. Your support propels us towards a more sustainable and united future. To show our appreciation, we would like to give you a special recognition:

    Bookmarks with limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Name on the mural: We will place a mural in the office with the names of everyone who has participated in this project.
    Luxury Units Energy cap (may not match the attached photo).
    This way, we will always remember the collective spirit and network that characterizes us.

    Reward delivery: Once you have made your contribution, please send us your address, email, or WhatsApp contact.

    Remember that each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: if you donate €50, your actual expense will be €10.** Declare the donation on your tax return and the tax office will return the remaining €40. When you make the donation, you will receive a certificate to present on your tax return. Check it out ](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,310

    2 litros de Aceite extra virgen arbequina de puesto en tu casa

    2 litros de Aceite extra virgen arbequina de puesto en tu casa

    OFERTA ESPECIAL 1 garrafa de 2 litros ACEITE EXTRA VIRGEN ARBEQINA en tu casa

    Unidos somos pura energia, y combatiremos el cambio climatico.

    ¡Gracias por unirte a Units Energy y ser parte activa del cambio hacia un futuro energético sostenible! Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, te enviaremos:

    1 Garrafa de 2 litros aceite extra virgen arbequina del Cogul. puesto en su casa envios solo a la peninsula, Si lo desea podemos hacer contrareembolso Llame o envie WhatsApp al 664282550

    Tres Puntos de libro con obras de arte local serie limitada Units Energy .
    Nombre en el mural que pondremos en la oficina con el nombre de todas las personas que habéis participado en este proyecto.

    Además, tendrás acceso a nuestra comunidad, incluyendo nuestro canal de YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@unitsenergy/featured

    ¡Tu participación puede desgravarse hasta el 80% por lo que en esta donación de 60€ puedes desgravarte hasta 48€ por lo tanto el coste de la recompensa que recibiras te supone un coste real de solo 12€.
    Descubre como hacerlo AQUÍ. AQUÍ.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,528

    Switch to cooperation.

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and being part of our commitment to a sustainable future! As a token of our appreciation,

    Bookmarks with limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Name on the mural: We will place a mural in the office with the names of everyone who has participated in this project.
    Green Units Energy cap to convey that to grow we must decrease. The cap may not match the attached photo.
    This way, we will always remember the collective spirit and network that characterizes us.

    Reward delivery: Once you have made your contribution, please send us your address, email, or WhatsApp contact.

    Additionally, you will have access to our community, including our YouTube channel, with educational content and specific webinars where we share our model of social and solidarity economy. By cooperating with Units Energy, you ensure an authentic and "greenwashing"-free perspective compared to the information from large companies; here, we will inform you unfiltered about the topics that really matter.

    Let's imagine together a better future to change the present.

    Remember that each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: if you donate €70, your actual expense will be €14.** Declare the donation on your tax return and the tax office will return the remaining €56. When you make the donation, you will receive a certificate to present on your tax return. Check it out ](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,747

    Switch to cooperation.

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and being part of our commitment to a sustainable future! As a token of our appreciation,

    Bookmarks with limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Name on the mural: We will place a mural in the office with the names of everyone who has participated in this project.
    Green Units Energy cap to convey that to grow we must decrease. The cap may not match the attached photo.
    This way, we will always remember the collective spirit and network that characterizes us.

    Reward delivery: Once you have made your contribution, please send us your address, email, or WhatsApp contact.

    Additionally, you will have access to our community, including our YouTube channel, with educational content and specific webinars where we share our model of social and solidarity economy. By cooperating with Units Energy, you ensure an authentic and "greenwashing"-free perspective compared to the information from large companies; here, we will inform you unfiltered about the topics that really matter.

    Let's imagine together a better future to change the present.

    Remember that each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: if you donate €70, your actual expense will be €14.** Declare the donation on your tax return and the tax office will return the remaining €56. When you make the donation, you will receive a certificate to present on your tax return. Check it out ](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,965

    It seems you might have pasted some formatting and a link by accident. If you need help with anything specific regarding the content or formatting, please let me know!

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and actively contributing to the shift towards a sustainable energy future! As a token of our appreciation, you will receive:

    Bookmarks featuring limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Name on the mural: We will display a mural in the office with the names of everyone who participated in this project.
    Three luxury Units Energy caps.
    Invitation to the inauguration: You’ll be invited to the opening celebration.
    Reward delivery: Once you've made your contribution, please share your address, email, or WhatsApp contact with us. This way, we will always honour the collective spirit and network that defines us.

    Remember: Each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: If you donate €90, your actual expense will be €18. Declare your donation on your tax return, and the tax office will refund the remaining €72. Upon making your donation, you will receive a certificate to present with your tax return. Check it out (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    5 litros de Aceite extra virgen arbequina de puesto en tu casa

    OFERTA ESPECIAL 2025 1 garrafa de 5 litros ACEITE EXTRA VIRGEN ARBEQINA en tu casa envio solo peninsula

    Unidos somos pura energia, y combatiremos el cambio climatico.

    ¡Gracias por unirte a Units Energy y ser parte activa del cambio hacia un futuro energético sostenible! Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, te enviaremos:

    Tres Puntos de libro con obras de arte local serie limitada Units Energy .
    Nombre en el mural que pondremos en la oficina con el nombre de todas las personas que habéis participado en este proyecto.
    1 Garrafa de 5 litros aceite extra virgen arbequina del Cogul. puesto en su casa envios solo a la peninsula, Si lo desea podemos hacer contrareembolso Llame o envie WhatsApp al 664282550

    Además, tendrás acceso a nuestra comunidad, incluyendo nuestro canal de YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@unitsenergy/featured

    ¡Tu participación puede desgravarse hasta el 80% por lo que en esta donación de 100€ puedes desgravarte hasta 80€ por lo tanto el coste real de la recompensa que recibiras sera de 20€ por 5 litros Aceite extra virgen arbequina puesto en tu casa, Increible! pero cierto
    Descubre como hacerlo AQUÍ.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,205

    ESPECIAL FINANÇAMENT 40€ PER CPS1 VNGE i ademes rebreu 3 botelles de cava BRUT RESERVA GIRO DEL GORNET

    **OFERTA ESPECIAL 2025 3 ampolles de CAVA BRUT RESERVA DEL PENEDES GIRO DEL GORNET PER VALOR DE 50€** a la teva casa envio solament a peninsula

    Gràcies per unir-te a Units Energy i ser part activa del canvi cap a un futur energètic sostenible! Com a mostra del nostre agraïment, t'enviarem:

    Tres Punts de llibre amb obres d'art local sèrie limitada Units Energy .
    Nom en el mural que posarem en l'oficina amb el nom de totes les persones que heu participat en aquest projecte.
    3 ampolles de CAVA BRUT RESERVA DEL PENEDES GIRO DEL GORNET PER VALOR DE 50€ lliurat a VNGE o a la teva casa envio sol peninsula . o a casa seva enviaments només a la peninsula, Si ho desitja podem fer contrareembolso Truqui o envieu WhatsApp al 664282550 , si desitja una marca concreta diferent contacti amb nosaltres.

    A més, tindràs accés a la nostra comunitat, incloent-hi el nostre canal de YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@unitsenergy/featured

    La teva participació pot desgravar-se fins al 80% pel que en aquesta donació de 100€ pots desgravar-te fins a 80€ per tant el cost real de la recompensa de 3 ampolles de cava que recibiras sàrria de 20€ per 4 ampolles és a dir cada ampolla de cava surt a 6,5€ i ajudes a realitzar un projecte d'autoconsum compartit en CPS1 de VNGE, aportant nosaltres 40€ , el cava posat a casa, Increïble! però cert
    Descobreix com fer-ho OFERTA ESPECIAL 2025 3 botellas de CAVA BRUT RESERVA DEL PENEDES POR VALOR DE 50€ en tu casa envio solo peninsula

    ¡Gracias por unirte a Units Energy y ser parte activa del cambio hacia un futuro energético sostenible! Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, te enviaremos:

    Tres Puntos de libro con obras de arte local serie limitada Units Energy .
    Nombre en el mural que pondremos en la oficina con el nombre de todas las personas que habéis participado en este proyecto.
    3 botellas de CAVA BRUT RESERVA DEL PENEDES POR VALOR DE 50€ entregado en la sede de VNGENERGIA o en tu casa envio solo peninsula . envios solo a la peninsula, Si lo desea podemos hacer contrareembolso Llame o envie WhatsApp al 664282550 , si desea una marca de cava concreta contactenos.

    Además, tendrás acceso a nuestra comunidad, incluyendo nuestro canal de YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@unitsenergy/featured

    ¡Tu participación puede desgravarse hasta el 80% por lo que en esta donación de 100€ puedes desgravarte hasta 80€ por lo tanto el coste real de la recompensa de 3 botellas de cava que recibiras sera de 20€ por 3 botellas es decir cada botella de cava sale a 6,5€ y ayudas a realizar un proyecto de autoconsumo compartido en VNGE aportando nosotros 40€ a la CPS1 de VNGE, Increible! pero cierto
    Descubre tu desgravación AQUÍ.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,227

    FINANÇAMENT CPS1VNGE 3 botelles de VI NEGRE ALGES 750 ML 2018

    OFERTA ESPECIAL 2025 3 ampolles de VI NEGRE ALGES 750 ML 2018 PER VALOR DE 50€ a la teva casa envio solament a peninsula

    Gràcies per unir-te a Units Energy i ser part activa del canvi cap a un futur energètic sostenible! Com a mostra del nostre agraïment, t'enviarem:

    Tres Punts de llibre amb obres d'art local sèrie limitada Units Energy .
    Nom en el mural que posarem en l'oficina amb el nom de totes les persones que heu participat en aquest projecte.
    3 ampolles de VI NEGRE ALGES 750 ML 2018 PER VALOR DE 50€ lliurat en la seu de VNGE o a la teva casa envio sols a peninsula . Si ho desitja podem fer contrareembolso Truqui o envieu WhatsApp al 664282550 , si desitja un altra marca concreta diferent contacti amb nosaltres.

    A més, tindràs accés a la nostra comunitat, incloent-hi el nostre canal de YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@unitsenergy/featured
    La teva participació pot desgravar-te fins al 80% per tant aquesta donació de 100€ pot desgravar-te fins a 80€ es a dir el cost real del que rebras es de 20€ per 3 ampolles, per tant cada ampolla surt a 6,5€ i ajudes a realitzar el projecte CPS1 de VNGE , increible ! però cert

    OFERTA ESPECIAL 2025 3 botellas de VI NEGRE ALGES 750 ML 2018 POR VALOR DE 50€ en tu casa envio solo peninsula **

    ¡Gracias por unirte a Units Energy y ser parte activa del cambio hacia un futuro energético sostenible! Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, te enviaremos:

    Tres Puntos de libro con obras de arte local serie limitada Units Energy .
    Nombre en el mural que pondremos en la oficina con el nombre de todas las personas que habéis participado en este proyecto.
    3 botellas de VI NEGRE ALGES 750 ML 2018 POR VALOR DE 50€ entregado en la sede de VNGENERGIA o en tu casa envio solo peninsula . envios solo a la peninsula, Si lo desea podemos hacer contrareembolso Llame o envie WhatsApp al 664282550 , si desea una marca de cava concreta contactenos.

    Además, tendrás acceso a nuestra comunidad, incluyendo nuestro canal de YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@unitsenergy/featured

    ¡Tu participación puede desgravarse hasta el 80% por lo que en esta donación de 100€ puedes desgravarte hasta 80€ por lo tanto el coste real de la recompensa de 3 botellas de cava que recibiras sera de 20€, por 3 botellas es decir cada botella sale a 6,5€ y ayudas a realizar el proyecto CPS1 de VNGE aportando nosotros 40€ a la VNGE, Increible! pero cierto
    Descubre tu desgavación AQUÍ.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,620

    Support our green revolution with clean and affordable energy.

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and actively contributing to the shift towards a sustainable energy future! As a token of our appreciation, you will receive:

    Bookmarks featuring limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Name on the mural: We will display a mural in the office with the names of everyone who participated in this project.
    Three luxury Units Energy caps.
    Invitation to the inauguration: You’ll be invited to the opening celebration.
    Remember: Each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: If you donate €120, your actual expense will be €24. Declare your donation on your tax return, and the tax office will refund the remaining €96.

    Upon making your donation, you will receive a certificate to present with your tax return. Check it out ](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,275

    Share and gift your knowledge of energy efficiency and climate sustainability—the planet will thank you.

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and actively contributing to the shift towards a sustainable energy future! As a token of our appreciation, you will receive:

    Bookmarks featuring limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Three luxury Units Energy caps (may not match the image) or, if you prefer, 2 litres of extra virgin olive oil to collect at our offices.
    Name on the mural: We will display a mural in the office with the names of everyone who participated in this project.
    Invitation to the inauguration: You’ll be invited to the opening celebration.
    Reward delivery: Once you've made your contribution, please share your address, email, or WhatsApp contact with us.

    Remember: Each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: If you donate €150, your actual expense will be €30. Declare your donation on your tax return, and the tax office will refund the remaining €120.

    Upon making your donation, you will receive a certificate to present with your tax return. Check it out :](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,821

    Join the Uni of Units Energy!

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and actively contributing to the shift towards a sustainable energy future! As a token of our appreciation, you will receive:

    Bookmarks featuring limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Three luxury Units Energy caps.
    Name on the mural: We will display a mural in the office with the names of everyone who participated in this project.
    Invitation to the inauguration: You’ll be invited to the opening celebration.
    Access to online energy-saving training via the Geniality channel and YouTube.
    Remember: Each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: If you donate €175, your actual expense will be €35. Declare your donation on your tax return, and the tax office will refund the remaining €140.

    Upon making your donation, you will receive a certificate to present with your tax return. Check it out :](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)


    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    2 garrafas de 5 litros de Aceite extra virgen arbequina del Cogul puesto en tu casa

    2 garrafas de 5 litros de Aceite extra virgen arbequina del Cogul puesto en tu casa

    OFERTA ESPECIAL 2 garrafas de 5 litros ACEITE EXTRA VIRGEN ARBEQINA del Cogul puesto en tu casa, envios solo a Peninsula.

    ¡Gracias por unirte a Units Energy

    2 Garrafa de 5 litros aceite extra virgen arbequina del Cogul. puesto en su casa envios solo a la peninsula, Si lo desea podemos hacer contrareembolso Llame o envie WhatsApp al 664282550

    Tres Puntos de libro con obras de arte local serie limitada Units Energy .
    Nombre en el mural que pondremos en la oficina con el nombre de todas las personas que habéis participado en este proyecto.

    Además, tendrás acceso a nuestra comunidad, incluyendo nuestro canal de YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@unitsenergy/featured

    ¡Tu participación puede desgravarse hasta el 80% por lo que en esta donación de 200€, puedes desgravarte hasta 160€ por lo tanto el coste de lo que recibiras te supone un coste de solo 40€. es decir cada garrafa de 5 litros te sale a 20€ . Increible! pero cierto
    Descubre como hacerlo AQUÍ. AQUÍ.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,458

    Cooperatives that cooperate, join the revolution United we are clean energy.

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and being an active part of the shift towards a sustainable energy future! As a token of our appreciation, you will receive:

    Bookmarks featuring limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Three luxury Units Energy caps, or if you prefer, 2 litres of extra virgin olive oil to collect at our offices (please indicate your choice via email at unitsenergycoop@gmail.com or WhatsApp at 664282550).
    Name on the mural: We will display a mural in the office with the names of everyone who participated in this project.
    Invitation to the inauguration: You’ll be invited to the opening celebration.
    Access to specific online energy-saving training.
    Remember: Each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: If you donate €250, your actual expense will be €50. Declare your donation on your tax return, and the tax office will refund the remaining €200.

    Upon making your donation, you will receive a certificate to present with your tax return. Check it out o Calcula aquí:

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,550

    3 garrafas de 5 litros de aceite extra virgen arbequina del Cogul, puesto en tu casa

    3 garrafas de 5 litros de Aceite extra virgen arbequina del Cogul puesto en tu casa

    OFERTA ESPECIAL 3 garrafa de 5 litros ACEITE EXTRA VIRGEN ARBEQINA del Cogul puesto en tu casa, envios solo a Peninsula.

    ¡Gracias por unirte a Units Energy

    3 Garrafa de 5 litros aceite extra virgen arbequina del Cogul. puesto en su casa envios solo a la peninsula, Si lo desea podemos hacer contrareembolso Llame o envie WhatsApp al 664282550

    Tres Puntos de libro con obras de arte local serie limitada Units Energy .
    Nombre en el mural que pondremos en la oficina con el nombre de todas las personas que habéis participado en este proyecto.

    Además, tendrás acceso a nuestra comunidad, incluyendo nuestro canal de YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@unitsenergy/featured

    ¡Tu participación puede desgravarse hasta el 80% por lo que en esta donación de 300€, puedes desgravarte hasta 240€ por lo tanto el coste de lo que recibiras te supone un coste de solo 60€. es decir cada garrafa de 5 litros te sale a 20€ . Increible! pero cierto
    Descubre como hacerlo AQUÍ. AQUÍ.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    Thank you for cooperating; now we will cooperate with you through a specially designed training programme

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and being an active part of the shift towards a sustainable energy future! As a token of our appreciation, you will receive:

    Bookmarks featuring limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Three luxury Units Energy caps (may not match the image), or if you prefer, 2 litres of extra virgin olive oil to collect at our offices (please indicate your choice via email at unitsenergycoop@gmail.com or WhatsApp at 664282550).
    Name on the mural: We will display a mural in the office with the names of everyone who participated in this project.
    Invitation to the inauguration: You’ll be invited to the opening celebration.
    Access to online energy-saving training.
    Access to 2 webinars with personalised masterclasses on saving energy and self-consumption.
    Remember: Each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: If you donate €500, your actual expense will be €100. Declare your donation on your tax return, and the tax office will refund the remaining €400.

    Upon making your donation, you will receive a certificate to present with your tax return. Check it out :](https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54,580

    Thank you for cooperating; now we will cooperate with you through a training programme designed and personalised for a solar plant project and rooftop installations on churches and schools.

    Thank you for joining Units Energy and being an active part of the shift towards a sustainable energy future! As a token of our appreciation, you will receive:

    Bookmarks featuring limited edition local artwork from Units Energy.
    Three luxury Units Energy caps, or if you prefer, 4 litres of extra virgin olive oil to collect at our offices (please indicate your choice via email at unitsenergycoop@gmail.com or WhatsApp at 664282550).
    Name on the mural: We will display a mural in the office with the names of everyone who participated in this project.
    Invitation to the inauguration: You’ll be invited to the opening celebration.
    Access to online energy-saving training.
    Access to 3 webinars with masterclasses on saving energy and self-consumption, including delivery of sample contracts and documentation.
    Guidance and support in administrative procedures.
    A guided tour of the Cogul Cova dels Moros cave paintings with immersive virtual reality.
    A surprise gift.
    Or, if you prefer, a customised package — contact us and we’ll personalise it for you! For example, an immersive group visit to the Cogul cave paintings with breakfast included, and more. WhatsApp 664282550
    Learn more here.
    Reward delivery: Once you’ve made your contribution, please send us your address, email, or WhatsApp contact. This way, we will always honour the collective spirit and network that defines us.

    Remember: Each contribution is tax-deductible between 35% and 80%! Tax-deductible donation: If you donate €1,200, your actual expense will be €1,557.50. Declare your donation on your tax return, and the tax office will refund €942.50.

    Upon making your donation, you will receive a certificate to present with your tax return. Check it out (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal)

    > 00 Co-financiers

69 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

Reeixim l'OESST

$ 2,183


$ 2,183

Reeixim l'OESST

$ 1,092
$ 1,092
Support message:
Ja he fet el meu donatiu per que ser SOLIDARI i SOSTENIBLE ara surt gratis, hem desgravare el 80% de la donació feta i rebre un regal fantastic que val aprox el 20% , damunt ajudo a conservar el planeta i a la gent que te fred i ho esta passant malament.

Reeixim l'OESST

$ 3,275


$ 3,275

Reeixim l'OESST

$ 3,275

Adria Marti Ochoa

$ 3,275


Hace 3 months
Would you like to be our ambassador? There’s a reward for you!: If you care about the planet and support clean energy, we need you! Become our ambassador in your municipality. We’ll help you replicate our model, but for now, we need you to spread the word so we can receive donations. Contact us via WhatsApp at 664282550, and Dolça will assist you.
Hace 3 months
Do you want to replicate our model in your neighbourhood or municipality? Contact us, and we’ll help you!: We want every neighbourhood and municipality to adopt our proven success model. We can help you achieve it by securing grants and subsidies, providing training, and offering guidance. Contact us via WhatsApp at 664282550, and Ms Dolça will assist you.
Hace 3 months
We seek collaboration from a foundation, especially those linked to the social and solidarity economy, because we also offer you a reward.: We request the collaboration of any foundation, especially those from the fields of economy, social solidarity, and energy.
Hace 3 months
Do you know of any available rooftop from a church, school, or other building or warehouse in your municipality or neighbourhood? Let us know, and we will turn it into a source of clean energy for you, your neighbours, and vulnerable people.: We are a non-profit entity to promote the efficient use of clean energy in your neighborhood, that is why we are here to help you, contact us on WhatsApp 664282550 Mrs. Dolça
Hace 3 months
Because we are specialists, engineers, and architects in transforming unused spaces into sources of clean energy for you and your neighbours, especially the vulnerable.: We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the efficient use of clean energy in your neighbourhood. That’s why we are here to help you. Contact us via WhatsApp at 664282550, Mrs. Dolça will assist you.