Contributing $ 153
Public thanks
Your name, or that of your organization, will appear on the conference website as a project collaborator.
> 17 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Cómo acabar con el Mal: 5 días de arte y activismo
Your name, or that of your organization, will appear on the conference website as a project collaborator.
The conference’s own badges and stickers + Public thanks.
T-shirt to protect you from Evil + Badges and stickers + Public thanks.
DVD compilation of videos and materials on art and activism + Badges and stickers to end Evil
T-shirt to protect you from Evil + Kit with basic essential items to end Evil + Badges and stickers + Public thanks.
A copy of the book "GAC: thoughts, practices, actions" on the history of the Street Art Group + DVD compilation of videos and materials on art and activism + Kit with essential items to end Evil + T-shirt + Badges and stickers + Public thanks.
A copy of the book "Beautiful Trouble", a collection of practices and ideas gathered from several decades of creative activism by various authors, edition co-ordinated by Andrew Boyd + Limited edition hand painted mug + DVD compilation of videos and materials on art and activism + Kit with essential items to end Evil + T-shirt + Public thanks.
Your name and logo will appear as a sponsor of the festival in both press releases, on the web and in all materials produced. If you are interested in this option you must know that we do not accept any Evil sponsors ;-)
Enmedio cumple cinco años. Increíble, ¿verdad? Por eso te invitamos a este fiestón este viernes, para celebrar contigo que no hay crisis que nos tumbe, y que Enmedio no muere ni a tiros. Lo haremos todo en un día, el 20 de julio. Amigos, risas, baile, sobre todo eso: baile.
Proyectaresmos el vídeo de la acción #cierra Bankia que cerró las jornadas Cómo acabal con el Mal que tú ayudaste a financia. ¡Gracias nuevamente!
Este viernes 20, a partir de las 20h, en las Fiestas de Poble Sec.
c/ Paludàries 25. Barcelona.
Ven, te queremos Enmedio.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Public thanks
Your name, or that of your organization, will appear on the conference website as a project collaborator.
> 17 Co-financiers
Badges and stickers to help end Evil
The conference’s own badges and stickers + Public thanks.
> 40 Co-financiers
T-shirt + Merchandising kit
T-shirt to protect you from Evil + Badges and stickers + Public thanks.
> 50 Co-financiers
DVD + Merchandising
DVD compilation of videos and materials on art and activism + Badges and stickers to end Evil
> 13 Co-financiers
T-shirt to protect you from Evil + Starter kit to end Evil
T-shirt to protect you from Evil + Kit with basic essential items to end Evil + Badges and stickers + Public thanks.
> 18 Co-financiers
A copy of the book "GAC: pensamientos, prácticas, acciones" + DVD + Kit to end Evil + T-shirt
A copy of the book "GAC: thoughts, practices, actions" on the history of the Street Art Group + DVD compilation of videos and materials on art and activism + Kit with essential items to end Evil + T-shirt + Badges and stickers + Public thanks.
> 05 Co-financiers
Book "Beautiful Trouble" + Limited edition hand painted mug + DVD + Kit to end Evil + T-shirt
A copy of the book "Beautiful Trouble", a collection of practices and ideas gathered from several decades of creative activism by various authors, edition co-ordinated by Andrew Boyd + Limited edition hand painted mug + DVD compilation of videos and materials on art and activism + Kit with essential items to end Evil + T-shirt + Public thanks.
> 01 Co-financiers
Your name and logo will appear as a sponsor of the festival in both press releases, on the web and in all materials produced. If you are interested in this option you must know that we do not accept any Evil sponsors ;-)
> 01 Co-financiers
We need people to help spread word of the event through social networks, blogs and personal pages, in publications or by distributing flyers, posters
We need translators into Castilian Spanish for the international speakers who will make their presentations in English.
The organizers want to help facilitate people to come to the event to anyone who needs it, including those who live outside Barcelona. For this reason
A call to all who can and want to share a vehicle with people interested in attending the conference from outside Barcelona.