¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

El momento, el coche, el futuro. Formula Student UC3M

Filed on 31 / 03 / 2015
$ 3,265
$ 11,372
$ 17,870
31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Web page acknowledgement

    Acknowledgement on the social networks (Twitter and Facebook), by e-mail and on our web page in the section of microsponsors, organized by the amount invested in the team.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Sticker + Web

    Acknowledgement on the social networks (Twitter and Facebook), by e-mail and on our web page in the section of microsponsors, organized by the amount invested, and the delivery of our logo sticker. (Only delivery for Spain)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    T-shirt + Web

    A logo printed t-shirt, sketches and the acknowledgement on the social networks (Twitter and Facebook), by e-mail and on our web page in the section of microsponsors, organized by the amount invested, and the delivery of our logo sticker. (Only delivery for Spain)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Drawings + Previous

    A copy of the artistic drawings and sketches of our car. A logo printed t-shirt. Acknowledgement on the social networks (Twitter and Facebook), by e-mail and on our web page in the section of microsponsors, organized by the amount invested, and the delivery of our logo sticker. (Only delivery for Spain)

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 87

    Mug + Previous

    A logo printed t-shirt and mug, sketches and the acknowledgement on the social networks (Twitter and Facebook), by e-mail and on our web page in the section of microsponsors, organized by the amount invested, and the delivery of our logo sticker. (Only delivery for Spain)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    Polo + Named our Car sticker + Web

    Acknowledgement on the social networks (Twitter and Facebook), by e-mail and on our web page in the section of microsponsors, organized by the amount invested. As well as the official printed polo t-shirt and a sticker on our car with your name or nickname. (Only delivery for Spain)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 325

    Scale prototype + NAMED OUR CAR STICKER + Polo + Web

    Acknowledgement on the social networks (Twitter and Facebook), by e-mail and on our web page in the section of microsponsors, organized by the amount invested. As well as the official printed polo t-shirt, a sticker on our car with your name or nick and a small–scale prototype. (Only delivery for Spain)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 542

    Come to visit us! Take pictures with your Polo + Web

    In situ explanations, picture of the members and the car. Take the polo t-shirt and we will mention you on the social networks and on the web page.

    > 01 Co-financiers

31 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

José Díaz-Maroto

$ 217


$ 54

Nacho Vidal

$ 162
$ 54


$ 162
$ 22


$ 54


$ 217
$ 22


$ 5
$ 22
$ 54
$ 22
$ 54


Hace 1 decade
Car or Motorbike pieces: Donation of car or motorcycle parts, new or used we can help build different parts of our car.
Hace 1 decade
Tools: Donation of tools for assembly of the car.
Hace 1 decade
Van to transport to Barcelona and / or Silverstone: Loan van to transport parts and car to the circuit.
Hace 1 decade
Web Developers / Mobile Apps: We need the support of companies and development of web and apps.
Hace 1 decade
Machine shop and welding: Help in making own designs
Hace 1 decade
Workshop with dyno: Help with testing engine and tuning the dyno
Hace 1 decade
Difussion of the proyect: Help with proyect difussion.
Hace 1 decade
Alojamiento en Barcelona y/o Silverstone: Accommodation in order to participate in the competition
Hace 1 decade
Pilot Clothing: Donation of pilot clothing
Hace 1 decade
Workwear: Donation of clothing for the workshop.
Hace 1 decade
Glass / Carbon fiber: Donation of glass fibers and / or carbon for the car body.
Hace 1 decade
Steel tubes: Donation of steel pipes to build the chassis.
Hace 1 decade
Tornillería: Donación de la tornillería necesaria para el coche.
Hace 1 decade
Fuel and lubricants.: Donation of fuels and lubricants for the car.