Contributing $ 11
NOMINATIVE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE of the donor (if desired).
A digital certificate will be emailed stating your collaboration with the Project.
> 06 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
BRAINING: A journey from the brain to Education. The diffusion of Neuroscience in the School
A digital certificate will be emailed stating your collaboration with the Project.
We will mention you as a DONOR on the project website.
With this donation, you will get a PREMIUM DOWNLOAD OF THE APP during the piloting phase... You will be one of the first to try this APP. Your contribution is worth it!
Suppose you are interested in training in Neuroscience and Education with this donation. In that case, you will get €20 to enrol in any 25-hour courses entirely online with an Official Certificate of 1 ECTS credit from the University of Malaga.
Neuropsicología educativa: implicaciones en el aprendizaje
Integración sensorial: el papel de los sentidos en el aprendizaje
Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA): desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta
Since our job is to train and provide resources, it would be exciting to participate in a workshop where we learn a little more about this sum of Neuroscience+Education, right? With this Donation, you will have free registration in the online seminar "Neuroscience at school: benefits of working from the knowledge of the brain" of 1-hour duration.
How about enjoying a yoga and meditation session with a professional in an environment surrounded by nature? With this spectacular donation, you will be able to savour this experience.
What do you think about participating in the App's pilot experience and receiving training about its content? With this large donation, you can have this double effect.
For these donations, on our website, we will have a section in which we will include the logos and names of those COLLABORATORS who wish to do so. Everyone will know that you are committed to the field of Advances in NeuroEducation!
The companies that collaborate will benefit from the public recognition of the aid. Your name will appear on Social Networks and our website, and a written report of the study's main conclusions will be delivered. Personalized advice by our Neuroeducation research team with a duration of 3 hours for a maximum of 5 people. The advice could be online if the collaborating company is from another city.
NOMINATIVE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE of the donor (if desired).
A digital certificate will be emailed stating your collaboration with the Project.
> 06 Co-financiers
We will mention you as a DONOR on the project website.
> 03 Co-financiers
With this donation, you will get a PREMIUM DOWNLOAD OF THE APP during the piloting phase... You will be one of the first to try this APP. Your contribution is worth it!
> 06 Co-financiers
Suppose you are interested in training in Neuroscience and Education with this donation. In that case, you will get €20 to enrol in any 25-hour courses entirely online with an Official Certificate of 1 ECTS credit from the University of Malaga.
Neuropsicología educativa: implicaciones en el aprendizaje
Integración sensorial: el papel de los sentidos en el aprendizaje
Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA): desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta
> 03 Co-financiers
Free registration in the online workshop "Neuroscience at school: benefits of working from knowledge of the brain".
Since our job is to train and provide resources, it would be exciting to participate in a workshop where we learn a little more about this sum of Neuroscience+Education, right? With this Donation, you will have free registration in the online seminar "Neuroscience at school: benefits of working from the knowledge of the brain" of 1-hour duration.
> 00 Co-financiers
Participation in a yoga and meditation session in a natural environment "Yoga and meditation and their effects on the brain and learning".
How about enjoying a yoga and meditation session with a professional in an environment surrounded by nature? With this spectacular donation, you will be able to savour this experience.
> 03 Co-financiers
Participation in the pilot test as an educational centre and free registration in the online workshop "Neuroscience at school: benefits of working from knowledge of the brain".
What do you think about participating in the App's pilot experience and receiving training about its content? With this large donation, you can have this double effect.
> 01 Co-financiers
For these donations, on our website, we will have a section in which we will include the logos and names of those COLLABORATORS who wish to do so. Everyone will know that you are committed to the field of Advances in NeuroEducation!
> 05 Co-financiers
The companies that collaborate will benefit from the public recognition of the aid. Your name will appear on Social Networks and our website, and a written report of the study's main conclusions will be delivered. Personalized advice by our Neuroeducation research team with a duration of 3 hours for a maximum of 5 people. The advice could be online if the collaborating company is from another city.
> 02 Co-financiers
Como se busca analizar y publicar los resultados derivados de la App en Revistas Científicas, será necesario contar con un Traductor Profesional
Para versionar la App en inglés, será requerirá de un Traductor nativo. Traducir todos los textos que en el uso y desarrollo de la App se haya requ