Contributing $ 109
Eskerrik asko, gracias, thank you!
Thank you on our website + watch the film online after film releases
> 13 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Aztarnak - Huellas. Un documental sobre el inicio de la vida.
Thank you on our website + watch the film online after film releases
Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + watch the film online after film releases
Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Tratamiento de lifting facial de Cosmoetica en sus centros de Pamplona, Zamora, Palma de Mallorca, Santiago, León, Salamanca y Huelva + Lo anterior (lo de 30 euros), ¡a disfrutar antes del 30 de noviembre!
Purchase voucher for 20 euros at "Crianza Natural" online + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Purchase voucher for 30 euros at "MeitaiMaitie" + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (in the Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (outside Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
Ha sido una primera semana muy intensa. El equipo de la campaña, Maialen Igartua, responsable de comunicación, Txepe Lara, productor y yo, Maru, la directora, hemos trabajado a tope para difundir el arranque de la campaña.
Además coincidiendo con el Festival de Cine aquí en Donostia-San Sebastián, lo cual nos está dando la oportunidad de estar en los mercados de la industria y entablar nuevos contactos.
Pero aún queda mucho por hacer: seamos sinceros, ¡necesitamos vuestra ayuda para seguir difundiendo la campaña! Hemos enviado un e-mail con información sobre el proyecto a todos nuestros contactos, estamos en las redes sociales y la semana que viene estaremos en la prensa... Pero si vosotros tenéis redes de contacto (asociaciones, grupos de madres y padres, de profesionales, etc) que estén interesados en el debate sobre la crianza respetuosa, o en un cine diferente... Por favor difundidnos, a través del e-mail, o desde las páginas de @aztarnakhuellas en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram.
Pronto anunciaremos nuevas recompensas, nuevos vídeos y actividades relacionadas con la campaña-
¡No dudéis en poneros en contacto si nos queréis ayudar!
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Eskerrik asko, gracias, thank you!
Thank you on our website + watch the film online after film releases
> 13 Co-financiers
Final credit as "Funder"
Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + watch the film online after film releases
> 19 Co-financiers
Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online
Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 25 Co-financiers
You are invited to the film premiere!
Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 30 Co-financiers
Tratamiento de cosmetica natural
Tratamiento de lifting facial de Cosmoetica en sus centros de Pamplona, Zamora, Palma de Mallorca, Santiago, León, Salamanca y Huelva + Lo anterior (lo de 30 euros), ¡a disfrutar antes del 30 de noviembre!
> 01 Co-financiers
Purchase voucher at "Crianza Natural"
Purchase voucher for 20 euros at "Crianza Natural" online + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 03 Co-financiers
Do you want to read more?
Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 07 Co-financiers
Purchase voucher at "MeitaiMaitie"
Purchase voucher for 30 euros at "MeitaiMaitie" + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 04 Co-financiers
Film premiere invitation for 2 people
Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 17 Co-financiers
You are a superfan!
Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 19 Co-financiers
Promote your company or association with us!
The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
> 02 Co-financiers
Film screening in your place (Basque Country)
Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (in the Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
> 00 Co-financiers
Film screening in your place
Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (outside Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
> 00 Co-financiers
Collaboration at searching of fundings and services, or in any other production tasks
Collaboration at translating or correcting translations on these languages
Lending of a postproduction studio (hours or days), with technical staff