Contributing $ 109
Eskerrik asko, gracias, thank you!
Thank you on our website + watch the film online after film releases
> 13 Co-financiers
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Aztarnak - Huellas. Un documental sobre el inicio de la vida.
Thank you on our website + watch the film online after film releases
Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + watch the film online after film releases
Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Tratamiento de lifting facial de Cosmoetica en sus centros de Pamplona, Zamora, Palma de Mallorca, Santiago, León, Salamanca y Huelva + Lo anterior (lo de 30 euros), ¡a disfrutar antes del 30 de noviembre!
Purchase voucher for 20 euros at "Crianza Natural" online + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Purchase voucher for 30 euros at "MeitaiMaitie" + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (in the Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (outside Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
(En castellano abajo)
Kaixo lagun eta laguntzaileak:
Aspaldian zuei idatzi gabe, ikasturte honetan berriz gainezka gatoz.
2019 urtea berri oso triste batekin hasi genuen, Cristina Aznarren heriotza alegia. Zuetako askok ezagutzen zenuten, eta gure dokumentaleko protagonistetako bat zen. Profesional eta pertsona zoragarria joan zitzaigun. Cristina, gogoan eta bihotzean zaitugu.
Bestalde, berri onak izan ditugu: Crowdfunding kanpainaren arrakastaren ondoren, Kutxa Fundazioak ere laguntza bat eman zigun eta horrekin grabaketak hasi genituen.
Grabaketa lantalde txiki bat eratu dugu, Nerea Falagan argazki zuzendariarekin eta Oier Villar soinu teknikari eta artistarekin.
Michel Odent, Eulàlia Torras de Beà, eta Ibone Olza adituak elkarrizketatu ditug, eta familia batzuekin grabatu dugu, batez ere Hazi Hezi gunean, besteak beste, Ramón Mauduit, Aurora del Solar eta beste profesionalekin.
Udara aprobetxatuz, naturan ere irudi zoragarriak filmatu ditugu, argazkietan ikusiko duzuen bezala.
Dokumentalak ordea lan asko dauka eta posprodukzio fasea oraindik hastear dago. Dokumentala 2020 urteko erdialdean bukatzea espero dugu. Horregatik, pazientzia eskatu nahiko genizueke, sari bezala pelikula ikustea aukeratu zenutenei.
Beste sariak jasotzeko laister bidaliko dizkizuegu datuak.
Edozein galdera daukazuela, mesedez gurekin harremanetan jarri.
Mila esker zuen laguntzagatik!
Maru Solores eta Aztarnak-Huellas ekipoa
*Hola amigos y colaboradores,
Llevábamos mucho tiempo sin escribiros, pero en este nuevo curso venimos cargados de noticias.
Comenzamos 2019 con una triste noticia, el fallecimiento de Cristina Aznar. Muchos de vosotros la conocisteis, y era una de las protagonistas de nuestro documental. Se nos fue una persona y una profesional maravillosa. Cristina, siempre te llevaremos en nuestro corazón.
Por otro lado, hemos tenido también muy buenas noticias: después del éxito de la campaña de Crowdfunding, la Fundación Kutxa también nos ayudó y así pudimos retomar nuestras grabaciones.
Hemos establecido un pequeño equipo de grabación con la directora de fotografía Nerea Falagan y el técnico de sonido y artista Oier Villar.
Entrevistamos a los expertos Michel Odent, Eulàlia Torras de Beà e Ibone Olza, y grabamos con algunas familias, especialmente en el sitio de Hazi Hezi, incluidos Ramón Mauduit, Aurora del Solar y otros profesionales.
Aprovechando el verano también para tomar imágenes refrescantes y sorprendentes en la naturaleza, como veréis en las fotos.
Sin embargo, el documental tiene mucho trabajo por hacer, y la fase de postproducción todavía está por empezar. Esperamos que el documental se complete a mediados de 2020. Por lo tanto, nos gustaría pedirles paciencia a quienes elegisteis como recompensa el visionado de la película o la asistencia al estreno.
Pronto os escribiremos para que podáis recibir las otras recompensas
Si tenéis alguna pregunta, no dudéis en contactarnos.
¡Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda!
Maru Solores y el equipo de Aztarnak-Huellas
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Eskerrik asko, gracias, thank you!
Thank you on our website + watch the film online after film releases
> 13 Co-financiers
Final credit as "Funder"
Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + watch the film online after film releases
> 19 Co-financiers
Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online
Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 25 Co-financiers
You are invited to the film premiere!
Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 30 Co-financiers
Tratamiento de cosmetica natural
Tratamiento de lifting facial de Cosmoetica en sus centros de Pamplona, Zamora, Palma de Mallorca, Santiago, León, Salamanca y Huelva + Lo anterior (lo de 30 euros), ¡a disfrutar antes del 30 de noviembre!
> 01 Co-financiers
Purchase voucher at "Crianza Natural"
Purchase voucher for 20 euros at "Crianza Natural" online + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 03 Co-financiers
Do you want to read more?
Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 07 Co-financiers
Purchase voucher at "MeitaiMaitie"
Purchase voucher for 30 euros at "MeitaiMaitie" + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 04 Co-financiers
Film premiere invitation for 2 people
Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 17 Co-financiers
You are a superfan!
Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 19 Co-financiers
Promote your company or association with us!
The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
> 02 Co-financiers
Film screening in your place (Basque Country)
Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (in the Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
> 00 Co-financiers
Film screening in your place
Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (outside Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing
> 00 Co-financiers
Collaboration at searching of fundings and services, or in any other production tasks
Collaboration at translating or correcting translations on these languages
Lending of a postproduction studio (hours or days), with technical staff